Chapter 14

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Micah's POV.

This is a nightmare!

Wake up Micah!

Wake up!

Why wasn't I waking up? I can still hear people calling me filthy names, chanting like a mantra.

" Let him go! " I heard a familiar voice and I was shocked to see that person. It was Dalton, out of all people.

What is he doing here anyways?

Now that will make things worse rather a bonus to my misery.

Someone please end this nightmare.

" Oh c'mon Dalton are you serious gonna stand up for him out of all people ? " Caleb said as he made his way to Dalton, who was now fuming in anger.

Why is he angry?

" I won't repeat that. Let him go before I break your jaw . " Dalton threatened Caleb as he grabbed him  by his collar and looked him in the eye and pulling him up, that his feets were barely touching the floor.

" Fine! We already have our fun." Caleb said and he sign his minions to let me go.

I didn't missed a single second to jolt my way out of the house. I ran outside and got some far from Ryan's house. I stumbled upon a rock and falling on the floor.

With that I felt my tears even coming more and more.

Why did I went there?

I should have denied it.

It was my fault of course, I let him took advantage of me. I didn't realise Dalton was behind me until he threw his jacket on me.

I looked up at him. " Get in the car! " He said coldly.

I did what he said as I took his jacket and wore it since I was still covered in the glitter and slime. My phone was buzzing like a mad man. I looked up to it, only to find that my video was viral and it was trending, much to my displeasure. "

#faggotofthetown was the trending hashtag. I turned off my phone and looked out of the window to see something more interesting that will keep my mind out from that video.

The ride to our home was in silence. Until he spoke, " That's what happen to gays, who told you to talk to that Ryan guy and trust him? "

I looked at him in complete shock. " I didn't knew, okay. What do you think people have labels on them saying whether they should be trusted or not? I thought he was not like others. " I said with realisation of the fact that I was so wrong about him.

" Tch. " He clicked his tongue and said," Then you should have come with your so called boyfriend Calvin." He said.

" He was busy somewhere. " I replied. He was putting a tough front though I know he was hurted by the sight of me like that, to my surprise.

And that was it.  No further talk we were home, Parker came down and said," You're back so- What the f*ck happened? " He said as he placed the packet on unfinished chips on the table.

" Did you do this?" He said with anger flashing in every word. " No, he didn't someone else. " I said. Dalton rolled his eyes and went upstairs while Parker demanded a complete explanation about what happened, how it happened and how I ended with Dalton. I also showed him the video.

By the end of the video,  Parker's blood was boiling. " I am going to talk to your principal about what happened in the party and also the video. The a**hole better be doing something about this.  "

With that Parker pulled me in a hug, didn't caring that I was covered in s**t.

" I'm so sorry Micah. I shouldn't have let you go there. " He said. " Don't be, it wasn't your fault. " I said, trying to sooth him.

" I'll go clean myself now." I said as I stood up from my place and went to my room. The fake smile that I plastered on my face to convince Parker that everything was fine when it's not.

Once I shut the door, I broke down on the floor, pulling my knees close to my chest.  I cried until the tears dried out.

Once I was done, I went to took a shower and then went straight to bed, not caring about anything else in the world.

Atleast in my dreams, no one will hurt me.

Next thing in the morning when I woke up, for two seconds it felt really good until last night's memories came back in my head, making it a gloomy morning of my life.

I turned on my phone to check on Calvin. Once the phone was on, I saw something new.

There was another video getting viral, which wasn't mine for sure. I tap on that video and my jaw dropped at that.

It was Caleb, he was getting f*cked  by a boy. Wait a minute!

Caleb was getting f*cked by a boy and someone made a s*x tape of it and uploaded on the internet. His hands were tied with duct tape and his mouth was closed with a cloth. The boy who was doing it, had his mouth covered with a mask.

I did heard about Karma but boy isn't it acting really fast?

I was really puzzled by who would have done that. But I mean i he got what he deserved and It was pleasure for me to see him in the pain and humiliation, just like I felt.

There were many comments where teenagers were laughing at him. The video was uploaded on his twitter and on almost his every social media account.

" Micah! Come downstairs! " I heard Parker yelling for me.

I turned of my phone and went downstairs, Dalton was also there. " Did you saw that? " Dalton asked me as I took a seat. I nodded.

" What? Mind me telling me that as well. " Parker said as he crossed his arms.

" So, the guy who was responsible for what happened yesterday, someone s*x taped him, getting fucked by a boy. " Dalton said and I could see lines forming on Parker's forehead, in confusion.

" Wait so you mean? " He asked. We nodded in a harmony.

" Alright, he can rot in hell for all I care. You Micah are coming with me. I talked to your Principal's assistant today for an appointment with the principal. " Parker told me as he took a seat next to me, putting some juice in his glass.

" Also, Dalton thank you for yesterday. " Parker remarked Dalton for standing up for me.

He nodded and didn't said anything else.

The rest of the breakfast was filled with light chat.

A/N: Hey everyone.

This chapter had one hell of a drama right? Don't worry the further chapters will have some more. Make sure you like the chapter and don't forget to tell me what you think about this chapter.

What do you think who would have done that to Caleb ?

Also, did Caleb got what he deserved or what?


Obsession [ BXB ]जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें