Forced To Be A Tour Guide

Start from the beginning

Magnifico: Oh Asha! There you are! Also everyone, I got to prep for those Chinese officials, so I was wondering if you (looking at Asha) can tour them around Rosas!

Dahlia: (raises her hand) Your Highness, I can help too. May I?

Asha: Your Highness, with all due respect, I think she (looks at Dahila) is more capable of welcoming them. She can do it by herself.

Magnifico: But you're my best-I mean, one of my best assistants! I think you can do them very well, and I trust that you will do a great job (confident).

Asha: But-

Magnifico: (smiling with grinning eyes) Please, dear Asha?

Asha: Understood, Your Highness (hanging her head low)...

The other apprentices looked at her with a jealous look. Then they whispered at one another.

Dario: Did you hear that the king slipped up!?

Bazeema: We can't really blame Asha; she's just that good. But I wish he gave me, or us, a chance...

Simon: Asha's the favorite, so obviously...yawn...he'd give it to her.

Gabo: Exactly! She's just annoying, unfriendly, isolated, yet-

Hal: Gabo, didn't you also notice how disappointed Asha was with it as well? She's usually willing to take an opportunity if the king gives her one.

Dahlia: And also, that girl's a perfectionist! It's just strange that she came late.

Simon: Anything that has to do with interaction...yawn...she's either gonna be late for it, or skip it altogether (drained)...

Safi: But she never...a-ah-achoo...skips, Simon!

Dahlia: Which is why she still took the job. I honestly feel bad for her (sad).

The chatter about Asha continues, not knowing that their talk of gossip can be heard by their subject.

Asha (mind): As if I'm gonna be bothered by that...I just need to get it over with...

Outside the kingdom, horses and Chinese carriages await for their tour guide. Mounting on one is a girl with short hair, a sword, and a medallion. Time ticked, but they were standing at the same spot, waiting for Asha.

Asha finally arrives with a dissatisfied face.

Asha: Greetings, dear guests. I am Asha, one of King Magnifico's apprentices. So...welcome to Rosas (monotonous).

Chinese Officer #1: You don't look excited (strict). What is Rosas? A dreadful place?

Female Chinese Officer: Commander Lao, maybe we are pressuring this girl too much. (looking at Asha) Greetings Lady Asha; I am Fa Mulan.

Asha: Oh...well. Welcome to Rosas (reluctant).

Chinese Officer #2: Can you kindly tour us with a bit (polite)?

Asha: Understood...

She takes the people on tour of the kingdom shining under the morning light.


Asha (mind): Finally! I got that part over with. And I didn't forget any important landmark: River Estella, Briar Rose Boulevard, Night Market...

A figure in white walks down the blue hall lined with silver knights. His face was anxious, as if something has happened. Asha sensed what he felt, so she follows him to the study.

He enters the place and slams the door shut. For respect, she then knocked the door afterwards. The door magically opened inward, showing a stressed Magnifico.

Asha: Your Highness? How were the allegiance meetings?

Magnifico: Hello, dear Asha. Actually, I had to leave in the middle of it and have Amaya take care of that matter.

Asha: Why (perplexed)?

Magnifico: I do not think this is the right time to tell you (stressed).

Asha: If there is something wrong, then please tell me. I've worked so hard to be an apprentice to you, Your Highness. Let me help (willing).

The king ponders as he unfurled scrolls and skimmed them. A minute later, he turns, then approaches Asha.

Magnifico: Come, sit in front of that table (calm).

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