Clarke shook her head, "You don't understand, Raven found something. Mount Weather is jamming our communications." Clarke told her mother. Jaycee then spoke up, "It's true, I mean there could be other Ark stations on the ground..." Abby looked at Jaycee, then to her daughter as Clarke spoke again, "And more guards. You said we don't have enough people to fight a two-front war," She paused, "Mom, we're already fighting one,"

Then Major Byrne spoke, "The grounder retaliation for the massacre could happen at any time and when it does we need every soldier at this camp" Man this lady is really getting on my nerves, Jaycee said in her head.

"So let us go!" Clarke begged her mother, "You're not going to stop are you?" Abby said to her stubborn daughter. "Not until my friends are safe," She said, Abby nodded her head, she looked at her daughter for a minute, "Okay," She paused "but I'm coming with you," Major Byrne spoke up once again, "Ma'am I just said-" Abby interrupted her, "It's been quiet for two days, maybe Kane is making headway with the grounder's commander," Major Byrne refused to give up as she still spoke, "Or maybe he's dead, and they're massing against us as we speak," Man I want to punch the living shit out of this lady, Jaycee thought in her mind once more.

"Maybe, which is why we need more guards," Abby finalized. Abby then looked at Clarke, "Then it's settled," She looked at her mom for a little while "We're going back to Mount Weather,"


There was a group going back to Mount Weather, it was Octavia, Finn, Clarke, Raven, Jaycee, Bellam, Abby, and some other guards. They were walking through the forest.

Jaycee was walking with Bellamy and Octavia, it was quiet until Octavia spoke, "I can't believe they let Finn come" She whispered so only the two could hear. "He's the best tracker we've got," He whispered back to his sister. He then yelled out for everyone to hear him, "Don't forget to look up, the grounders use the trees. That's how we lost John Mbege." He told them.

Jaycee noticed how Octavia was distancing herself from the others, so she walked up to the younger Blake girl, "Hey, how you holding up?" Jaycee asked her, Octavia inhaled and looked at her, "I don't know, it was Lincoln's village, I'm angry at what he did," Jaycee nodded at her, 'I'm sorry," Jaycee told the girl, "Yeah me too" Octavia said as she continued to walk.


Raven was looking through some binoculars, "There, I see it," She said and pointed out where she was looking. Clarke then grabbed the binoculars from Raven and looked through them as well. Clarke sighed as she put them away from her eyes. "It'll be dark soon, we'll never spot the traps. We should set up camp here, leave at first light," She finalized.

Clarke walked away from her mom, "We're missing two," She then looked at Clarke, "Where the hell are they?" Abby asked her daughter. Jaycee stood next to Clarke as backup, in case Abby was going to slap her daughter as she did to Raven the other night. "Clarke, we're in enemy territory and their lives are my responsibility." Clarke just sighed, "They're looking for a way in,"

Abby scoffed. "A way in, that's not what this mission is about" Jaycee spoke up, "It is for them," Abby looked at both girls, "Find them, bring them back!" Abby yelled out to the guards.

One of the sargents spoke up, "Yes ma'am, You two, come with me! Let's go!" He yelled out as left the area. "I'm going with them," Finn decided to say. Clarke and Raven were trying to get him to stay, saying how they needed him to stay, all he did was say that they just wanted to keep an eye on him, which was true. He then left, with Clarke following him.

Jaycee rolled her eyes at how stubborn the guy was. After 5 minutes Jaycee heard something. She then turned around and saw the yellow fog. "Oh shit..." Jaycee said, "Everyone take cover!" Jaycee yelled out.

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