My eyes widened as I felt multiple sets of stares on me.

This was so mean.

Everyone was looking at me as I awkwardly nodded yes. Nixon knew the drama there. He soon let out the meeting and I waited for the others to clear out. I walked slowly up to Nixon and he acted perplexed that I was still standing there.

"Problem, Alex?"

I kept my eyes glued to the floor, "Why did you choose me to interview Tyler?"

He was smiled, "He asked for you. He passed me in the hall today and asked since he heard you were joining the paper. Small school. News travels."

I rolled my eyes, "Thanks."

He patted my shoulder, "I am sure you will do fine." He turned around and grabbed a sheet of paper from his binder, and a pen. After scribbling something down; he handed it to me. "Here's my number. If he makes you too uncomfortable, just text me, and I will interview him myself."

"Will do."

"I have to go meet Bren but I'll see you later Alex."

He left and I called James to come and pick me up. This semester was already about to get interesting.That night I had dreams for the first time in months. Ari was running away from me, Tyler was tackling me, Brenna was laughing, Elle was crying, all three of my cousins seemed to be upset with me, and Patrick was dressed as a referee.

Oh and I was running around the track naked.

I woke up in a cold sweat. Not a great way to start the day. I did not want to get out of bed. Dad was gone to work for the day and I contemplated just hiding under the covers. I knew I had the cross country meeting after school. It was the one thing making me decide to slowly drag my butt out of bed.

I looked at the window and almost cried when I saw snow. We had had snow since November but none this bad since New Year's. How were we supposed to run in this? I slapped my hair up into a bun and threw on a pair of jeans and an old t-shirt. Then I layered sweater and a sweatshirt.

I packed my bag and headed out the door, almost forgetting to put on my shoes. I walked to the sidewalk outside of Ari's house, not sure if I was allowed in right now. He came out with Elle and Jake.

No Brenna.

That made me happy. Jake offered the usual ride and I groggily accepted. Ari was smiling wide when he saw me.

"Rough night?"

"You have no idea."

He gave me a hug and whispered in my ear, "You look beautiful this morning." He snapped a picture of me sticking out my tongue.


He kissed my forehead and we arrived at school. I saw all the usual cars in the lot but I was looking for a particular one. I walked with Ari to our lockers and finally saw who I was looking for, Tyler.

He was talking with Aaron. Ari excused himself to go talk to a teacher.

Elle smiled awkwardly at me.

"Oh go." She smiled more sincerely this time and ran over to the love her young life. When they both noticed her Tyler looked around until he spotted me. I soon got a text telling me to go to the English hall. I slipped away without being noticed. A few minutes later he joined me.

He smiled tentatively at me. "Figured I'd have to get you alone for us to set up that interview."

"You figured correctly. Why did you ask Nixon to give me the interview?"

My Life In Pieces (Book #1)Where stories live. Discover now