"Let me see her," Cornstar said making her way into the Medicin cat's den, "Spottedpaw, you are a good fighter, and you are brave. You showed that by saving Ravenkit, you will train a bit longer to see if that leg will allow you to fight and hunt. If you can then you will get your warrior name. But only if you can still hunt and fight," Cornstar said as she laid down with her kit

Spottedpaw's eyes lit up with the news, that she sprang up and started running around happily. "Ow ow. Thank you Cornstar! ow,"

Batear could hear a purr come from Twohart, he must be proud about Spottedpaw finally being able to become a warrior. Batear was thinking if he would be as proud of Redpaw once he was a warrior. Later that day Batear was hunting out on the now blank fields with Crowstripe.

"Soon we better start hunting at night, all the crops are gone so there goes' our cover for a while. I don't get why the monsters have to eat so much food!" Crowstripe groaned as a mouse he was stalking had seen him and ran away.

"I think Wheateye knows already, He is just to suborn to change the hunting schedules," Batear said after he caught an unsuspecting mouse. "I mean some of the rodents are still out and not caring about us,"

"Let's go, I can't smell more prey here. Want to go hunting near the barn?" Crowstripe asked

"Ya. Hay Crowstripe have you ever wondered why Cornstar hasn't driven the barn cats out of the barn?" Batear mewed walking next to Crowstripe, "Hunting would be much easier without them here,"

"Ya, We should tell Cornstar this. those roghs are getting in my fur, all they do is hunt the fat mice in the barn, and eat stupid kitty pet food when they get lazy about hunting!" Crowstripe hissed walking faster.

the two walked to the barn only hunting when they got the chance. Outside the barn was the old tom named Scruff, his long fur was shaking in the slight breeze. His eyes were closed and it seamed that he was lost in thought. Batear and Crowstripe walked past the old tom but stopped when he started to kneed the ground with his claws.

"You two, come here." Scruff mewed to them

"What is it?" Batear asked sitting down near the old tom

"My friend Canal has some kits, and s-she can't care for them, so she wants to give some of them to your clan." Scruff said looking to Batear and Crowstripe, " She has six kits but she can't make enough milk nor keep track of all of them. So that being said, will you take three of them? If not we will give them to the small clan of Night clan,"

"Hmm, the clan could use more warriors, and we don't want Night clan to have more so... I will see if Hollytail could care for them, she only had a litter of two, so she has milk to give." Batear muttered to himself, "What do you think Crowstripe?"

"Yes, We will take them," Crowstripe stated standing up, "Can you take us to them?"

"Yes come with me," Scruff said heaving up on his paws.

Walking into the barn it was much warmer than outside. Batear could hear soft mewing coming from under a stack of boxes and hay. Walking under the overhanging boxes Batear saw a she-cat laying in the hay six small kits suckling on her gray belly. A dark brown kit was slowly wandering to them, his paws sinking into the hay.

"Canal, Field can take your kits, don't worry I waited till trustworthy cats came. These two are Batear and Crowstripe. Scruff said crouching next to Canal.

"Take the three you think will have the best chance of surviving out of the barn," Canal sadly said looking down at her small kits, "I already named them, but I didn't add 'kit' at the end, you can do that,"

Warriors--The Deadly FieldsWhere stories live. Discover now