Chapter 5

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Fallen Stars

3 Moons have passed since Snakefoot and Dirtback have become warriors. Ravenkit, Mousekit, and  Shortkit have become apprentices. Mousepaw is Crowstripe's apprentice, Ravenpaw is Snakefoot's apprentice, and Redstorm has Shortpaw as his. Thornclaw has left the nursery because her kits aren't kits anymore. Lots have changed ever since Forest clan attacked with Night clan. Batear thought to himself. Leaf-bare was about over, but this leaf-bare was weird, there was no snow. 

"Batear, have you seen Crowstripe lately?" Mousepaw asked her tail twitching with worry.

"Ya, he was going to go drink some of the water that's left in the strange stream," Batear responded sitting up, "Why are you so worried?"

"Because I saw a Rouge from the barn hunting out of the barn and I don't know if we allow that," Mousepaw meowed

"We don't, they agreed to only hunt in the barn. Also, they like to be called barn cats." Batear sighed as he started to head to the barn, "what did they look like?"

"well they were a cream tom with a brown face, they were young also, unlike the other ones." Mousepaw mewed

"I never heard of them," Batear said turning to Mousepaw

"Don't worry, I'm heading that way so just let me handle it." Snakefoot meowed as she ran down the hill

Batear nodded and sat back down. Batear looked towards the barn, along the fields some small plants were starting to sprout out of the cold ground. Later that evening Batear was patrolling around the Borrow clan border with Crowstripe. Batear glanced towards the barn and his fur bristled. Icespike was running to them, his white fur shining. Crowstripe defensively crouched down to the ground, and so did Batear. Batear expected Icespike to ponce on them when he jumped but instead, he jumped over the two.  Crowstripe swiped at his stomach, his claws ripping through his long white fur. 

"I'm leaving! I'm LEAVING!" Icespike yowled

"Well leave faster, fox-dung!" Crowstripe hissed as he chased Icespike to the border

Batear sprang up to his paws, his claws scratched the ground as he ran. Batear and Crowstripe stopped at the Thunder path, Icespike ran on the bumpy path, rocks flying up. Across the thunder path was a small patrol from Borrow clan. Icespike stopped in the middle of the thunder path his ears tucked back. The ground started to rumble. Batear flung his head toward the rumbling sound. Icespike crouched down to the ground as the large monster approached, its shiny skin sparkling. 

"ICESPIKE!" Batear screamed, "Icespike get over hear, It's not safe!"

Icespike looked over his blue eyes filled with fear. Icespike turned to Batear and started to crawl to him. The monster blazed by, its long body roaring. Batear froze in fear, and time seemed to slow down as the monster blazed by. When the Monster was gone all that was left was a large cloud of dirt and smoke. Batear waited to see the crushed body of Icespike behind the dirt. The cloud of dirt cleared, and Icespike was crouched down on the ground blood covering his tail and the rocky Thunder path. Batear sprang forward and grabbed Icespike's scurf, pulling him to the other side of the Thunder path. Crowstripe started licking Icespike's tail to see where the bleeding was.

"Why are you helping me?" Icespike winced as Crowstripe licked his tail.

"Because...," Batear meowed trying to think of the reason why they are helping him. Icespike is a part of Night clan, he helped steal Seedkit and attack our camp multiple times. Why am I helping him? 

"Because it's the right thing to do. That's why," Crowstripe responded before he started licking again.

"Do you need help?" Echohart asked worried, "I see that the monster crushed your tail, I can go try to find some cobwebs,"

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