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Mina kicked one of the Reapers right on the shin, bringing him to his knees before she took an aim right at his forehead, hitting dead centre

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Mina kicked one of the Reapers right on the shin, bringing him to his knees before she took an aim right at his forehead, hitting dead centre. 

She kicked a table taking shelter behind it as an entire shoot out took place. It was clear that the Reapers were only going for the specific two groups.

Daeri took shelter behind the same table, falling right next to Mina.

Daeri: Can I assume that this means we're good?

The younger let out a chuckle of disbelief before looking at Daeri.

Mina: Want a cup of tea for the talk?

Daeri: Well appreciated.

The two looked away to shoot a few bullets before taking shelter again, the two panting and sweat beading on their forehead.

Daeri: You didn't answer me.

Mina: Not the time Jeong Daeri.

The two took a few more shots before taking another few seconds off as bullets were fired their way. Suddenly a knife pierced through the wood making the two females turn to the weapon sticking out of the wood on their side. 

Their eyes met and they came to a silent decision.

Mina: This doesn't change anything.

Daeri: Sure.

Both of them got to their feet and kicked the table at the person who was trying to get the knife out of the wood.

The two of them worked well together to end a small group by themselves. 

Daeri: I feel like this speaks for itself.

Mina: Will you shut up?

Daeri kicked a hand swinging in Mina's direction with a knife aiming straight at Mina's eye. She looked at Daeri who gave her a small smirk.

Daeri: I see talking gets you distracted. 

Mina: You're not helping.

Daeri: Just handle this by yourself for a few minutes. I'll go get a something to get away from here. 

Without letting Mina comprehend that, Daeri made a run for it.

She just left me alone here. 

Mina: I swear.

She muttered under her breath before taking over completely. She had to admit that without Daeri's help she was overwhelmed. She couldn't even check her cousin's positions because of the amount of people surrounding her. 

Didn't Doyoung say that the Reapers were after me? 

It all made sense as to why she had such a huge group around her. A huge sound boomed in the room but no one had the time to glance at the source until an engine revved behind Mina's fight. Grunts and screams followed as suddenly Daeri appeared with a bike, making distance between Mina and the Reapers. 

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