› seven ‹

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» third person pov

the inspector, along with y/n's parents, walked down ditto street, which was believed to be haunted by local residents.

yet, despite y/n's parents finding y/n's twin sister; hanni dead here long ago, the memories of that horrific moment still haunted them.

they believed there was a chance y/n was brought to the haunted street, and the worst thought crossed their mind. what if they found y/n here, or even worse, dead just like y/n's twin sister back then?

"please God, don't let y/n get hurt," her father mumbled while glancing at her mother sitting in the car with female police officers. he then watches the inspector do his work with concern.

"sir, i've found this," the inspector states, holding up an iphone with a purple case and showing it to y/n's father.

y/n's father recognizes the phone and steps towards the inspector. "t-that's my daughter's iphone," he says, his voice breaking with emotion.

the inspector passes the iphone over to the father, who takes it and looks at the lock screen. the father's face becomes overwhelmed with grief as he looks at the picture of y/n staring back at him from the iphone.

the father opens the iphone and lets out a sigh of relief, thankful that y/n did not have a password set up on her phone.

the father scrolls through the iphone's messages and sees his own contact, his wife's, and his deceased daughter's. in addition, he sees one from a girl named danielle that he does not recognize.

the father realizes that y/n never shared anything about her personal life, and, feeling bad, wonders if it was because he never had the time to listen to her or because she never felt comfortable enough to talk to him.

the father ponders this, debating whether to open the message from danielle or not. perhaps this is a clue that y/n's disappearance was related to her? still, he feels like it is inappropriate to invade y/n's privacy by reading the message. after a moment of hesitation, he finally decides to open the message and read it.

why did you ignore me??
have i done something wrong?
don't ignore me
if i did, sorry
i'm truly sorry
please don't abandoned me
after what we've shared?
answer me
i'm sorry
i love you...


the father is taken aback to learn that danielle was not a friend, but rather y/n's ex-girlfriend. this information was previously unknown to the father, and he becomes curious as to what other revelations lie within the message's contents.

the father notes that the last messages sent from y/n to danielle was one where she states that she was ignored by danielle – this could point to a possible fight or breakup between the two women.

feeling that there may be more to this message thread, the father continues to scroll through it. in doing so, he notices previous messages of love and affection between y/n and danielle, further confirming his suspicions that they had been in a romantic relationship.

the father continues to scroll and reads through messages of y/n and danielle sending each other sweet and affectionate messages, confirming the father's suspicions.

further scrolling reveals that their romantic relationship had been ongoing for quite some time. the father is surprised to learn about this previously unknown aspect of y/n's life.

"danielle..." y/n's father muttered – perhaps y/n's ex-girlfriend may hold answers about her disappearance.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 17, 2023 ⏰

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