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» third person pov

"first hanni, and now y/n? someone must have it in for us!" y/n's mother sobbed as she clutched her husband. "why has this cruel fate befallen us?"

the parents were at their wits' end trying to decide who could be behind all of the torment they had been facing. they wondered if it was someone they knew or some mysterious stranger. y/n's mother was sure that she did not know of anyone who could bear such a grudge against them.

one thing is for sure, this must be solved.

"maybe we were so focused on dealing with hanni's death that we failed to see that y/n could be vulnerable," y/n's father spoke up, "you know how much she means to us... we can't lose her too."

y/n's father was heartbroken, remembering how her family had discarded her since hanni's death. while she was pushed aside, everyone paid attention to hanni, making her feel like an outcast.

y/n and her twin sister hanni were quite different from a young age. whereas hanni was outgoing and energetic, y/n preferred to keep to herself and engage in activities like reading books; she was a quiet and introvertive child that felt most comfortable when she was alone.

unfortunately, y/n's parents often followed hanni's lead and listened to her more than they did y/n. they paid more attention to hanni's thoughts and feelings and took her advice more seriously. this made y/n feel undervalued and overlooked in her own family.

on the other hand, y/n often had to deal with bullying at school. on one occasion, some girls attempted to take advantage of her at the restroom. fortunately, hanni was there to intervene and prevent anything from happening.

the parents were proud of hanni for reacting so quickly and keeping y/n safe. however, they never seemed to inquire about y/n's wellbeing and were solely fixated on hanni and her actions.

hanni was the only one who asked y/n if she was alright after the incident at school. the parents never seemed to care about how y/n felt or what she had been through, only hanni and her actions mattered to them – she felt like hanni was the only one in the family who truly cared about her.

suddenly, the house phone rang, and y/n's mother rushed to answer it. it was the inspector in charge of finding y/n, and y/n's mother immediately asked if there were any news or updates on the case.

y/n's mother listened carefully as the inspector explained that they had been searching nonstop for any sign of y/n, but so far, they had not found a single clue as to her whereabouts. he said that they were still investigating and were doing everything in their power to find her as soon as possible. y/n's mother thanked the inspector for his efforts and the call ended.

they were left feeling hopeless once again. y/n's mother had believed that the call would bring some good news about y/n's whereabouts, but instead, she was left with nothing but more uncertainty.

⟩ timeskip

"minji, stop it!" haerin grabbed minji's wrist, tugging her away from y/n.

as the younger sister held on tight to minji's wrist, minji turned her head to glare at her sibling angrily. "let go!" she hissed, trying to yank her hand free.

the two sisters were focused on each other and didn't see y/n as she crawled away from minji into a corner of the room. y/n let out a weak sob, tears streaming down her cheeks.

"BACK OFF, HAERIN!" minji shoved her sister away forcefully. "keep your nose out of it!" she growled, gripping haerin's shirt collar tightly with one hand.

haerin tried to push minji's hand away. "let go of me," she said sternly.

however, minji held on tight, her fingers pinching the fabric of haerin's shirt. "I TOLD YOU, KEEP OUT OF IT!" minji snapped as haerin continued to struggle against her hold.

unwanted obsession || minji and haerin fanfictionWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu