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» third person pov

— flashback

hanni's hand brushed against y/n's cheek, caressing it gently. "are you sure you're alright?" hanni asked, concern coloring her voice.

y/n's hand shot up to slap away hanni's, but the gesture was half-hearted at best.

"i'm fine," y/n insisted, but her voice was weak.

"i swear i will beat those girls," hanni hissed, teeth clenched, the smile on her face an artificial attempt to hide her anger – despite that anger, she wanted to pull y/n into a hug; but she knew y/n wasn't in the mood for any kind of physical contact.

not after what had happened.

feeling the tension in y/n's body, hanni took a step back, trying to let y/n know that physical contact was off the table for now.

but deep down, hanni ached to hug her sister.

to offer her comfort.

as always, hanni wanted to be there for y/n – it was up to y/n whether she wanted to accept hanni's support or not.

a loud voice sounded from the living room, causing y/n to startle.

"we were so proud of you, hanni!" their father's words echoed throughout the room, as he embraced hanni in a proud hug.

"i'm happy that i raised you right," their mother chimed in, joining the hug and adding her praise to the pile.

y/n stood to the side, watching as her family showered hanni with affection.

she was used to this; used to watching from the sidelines as people fawned over hanni.

y/n rarely got praise for anything she did, so she was content to let her sister bask in their parents' adoration.

if anyone deserved it, it was hanni.

but deep down, y/n yearned for parental affection and praise, too.

however, y/n felt tears well up in her eyes as she ran out of the house, ignoring the shouts of her family from behind.

y/n didn't want to confront her family right now; instead, she just wanted to get away from them for a while.

y/n stopped at the empty playground, seated herself on one of the swings, and attempted to calm down.

sitting in the quiet of the empty playground, y/n closed her eyes and took a deep breath; trying to find a sense of peace and quiet.

"are you alright?"

as y/n opened her eyes, she spotted a girl around her age sitting on the swing beside her.

when did she get here? y/n wondered, feeling taken aback by the sudden appearance of another person.

she hadn't seen or heard anyone approaching; so this unexpected encounter had caught her completely off guard.

surprised, but not wishing to appear rude, y/n looked over at the girl and offered her a small smile.

"i'm... i'm fine," y/n said, unsure of what else to say to the stranger.

not used to being approached by people she didn't know, y/n didn't know how to respond to the girl's question or her unexpected presence.

a beat of silence passed between them as they shared a look, before the girl leaned in closer.

"are you really fine?" she asked with a hint of concern in her voice.

y/n hesitated, feeling a wave of emotions wash over her.

unwanted obsession || minji and haerin fanfictionDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora