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» third person pov

— flashback

"how could you do this to me!?" minji yelled as she grasped her bleeding arm. her eyes were burning holes into the woman in front of her.

the woman remained silent, her cheeks soaked in tears as the knife in her hand was still pointed towards minji.


the woman suddenly screamed, cutting off minji. "I HATE YOU! I HATE YOU FROM THE START!" she said before slowly falling to her knees. "I HATE YOU FOR MAKING ME PREGNANT!" she cried out as tears streamed down her face.

minji was shocked by the woman's abrupt confession. for a moment, she remained still, unable to comprehend what was happening. after that, she approached the woman and knelt down on the ground beside her.

"why didn't you tell me you didn't want to have a child?" minji asked gently.

the woman didn't respond, instead, she buried her face in her palms, her body wracked by sobs.

minji reached out and caressed her face, trying to comfort her. "i am sorry," she whispered.

suddenly, the woman tried to stab minji in the neck, but quick on her feet, minji managed to grab the knife and prevent her from harming her.

the two women were locked in a tense struggle, the knife pointed at minji's neck. minji knew she had to do something, fast.

so she took a deep breath, clenched her teeth, and took a step forward, pushing the woman against the wall. with all her strength, the knife accidentally pressed on the woman's stomach.

the force of minji's action knocked the woman off balance. the tip of the knife sank into the woman's stomach. gasping in shock and pain, she clutched the wound, blood spilling through her fingers.

seeing this, minji was terrified – she didn't mean to hurt the woman, it was an accident, she had lost control of the situation.

the woman began to tremble, her body wracked by pain. "minji..." she managed to murmur under her breath before falling onto her knees. "h-how could you...?" she whispered weakly.

"NO!" minji yelled, staring at the knife that had stabbed the woman's stomach in horror. "NO! PLEASEPLEASE DON'T DIE, SWEETHEART," she cried out, "I'M SO SORRY!"

"p-please let me help you," minji begged, falling to her knees in front of the woman. "y-you can't die, not like this, not because of me, l-let me help you."

the woman looked up at minji through blurry eyes, her face wet with tears. a soft smile spread across her lips as she reached out and touched minji's hand.

"i-it's okay," she whispered, "you don't have to help me, it's all over now."

"NO! STOP TALKING NONSENSE." minji yelled– she was still panicked and upset, unable to accept the situation; unable to let the woman she loved die even though she knew there was nothing she could do to save her.

the woman smiled softly and shook her head. "t-there's nothing you can do."

"don't say that," minji said through tearful eyes.

the woman smiled and softly caressed minji's face. "i-it's okay," she whispered, "it's all over now."

minji gripped the woman's shoulders and shook her violently. "STOP TALKING NONSENSE! STAY AWAKE!" she yelled desperately.

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