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» y/n pov

my eyes snapped open, taking in my surroundings. sweat trickled down my forehead, despite the cool air. my broken left leg had been bandaged up and, to my relief, it looked better than before.

even though i was feeling better, the pain hadn't yet vanished. however, it was considerably less than it was before, which was a welcome change.

i suddenly remembered what happened yesterday. i must've blacked out or something. after the woman introduced herself as minji, she called me hanni? isn't that my dead twin sister's name? does she know what happened to her?

it's so weird. i've never met this woman before and yet, somehow, she knows my name. and she calls me by my twin sister's name. something strange is going on here. maybe i had a nightmare...?

a moment of anxiety washed over me. what if she does know about my twin sister? what if she was the one who did it to her? no, that's freaking absurd... and that's ridiculous. but why else would she call me hanni?

my heart was throbbing. what was going on?

i set aside my concerns. maybe it was my chance to break free. i carefully got out of bed and started crawling —making sure to be discreet — in case the woman was nearby.

once i left the room, i keep crawling, searching for a way out of the place. i kept my eyes peeled for any sign of the woman.

everything started to be more complex than i imagined, with all the doors around. before i even noticed, i was in the living room, unsure of how to proceed here.

but the confusion didn't keep me back. i sought to understand what to do next by checking the area. i noticed a phone resting in the corner. i quickly went over to it and picked it up but, it was unfortunately locked.

i desperately attempted to guess the passcode to the phone but to no avail. every failed attempt made the wait even longer, before i could try again. this frustrated me but i wouldn't let it stop me from finding a way out of the place.

i almost lost hope when i noticed that a door stood out among the rest. once i crawled next to it, i noticed that there was a light beneath it. i carefully pushed it open.

the unsettling smile on her face left me deeply disturbed.

"hello there", she spoke with a calm tone that couldn't disguise her maliciousness.

before i could act, i was pulled into the room while screaming for help – my attempts to resist were no use.

with that, the woman firmly closed the door behind me and turned around, the cruel smile still on her face.

i was paralyzed with fear as she approached me, not knowing what her intentions were.

"i was just about to look for you", she said while caressing my cheek.

i stayed silent, observing her eyes locked onto mine. i was scared and i need to go home. with that, i felt my eyes well up with tears.

with tears rolling down my cheeks, i mustered up the courage to speak. "p-please let me go home", my voice cracked. my knees trembled slightly.

she smirked, her eyes slowly wandering over my body. i couldn't take it anymore.

"p-please?" i begged. she laughed and came closer to me. that was when i finally snapped and began crying uncontrollably.

"why would you leave, dear? you were safe with me", minji whispered, a terrifying smile plastered on her face. she wiped my tears, her eyes drifting over my body.

unwanted obsession || minji and haerin fanfictionDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora