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» y/n pov

my eyes fluttered open, and a faint groan escaped my lips. i slowly regained consciousness, aware of a sharp pain radiating from my left leg. as i glanced down, i let out a scream, echoing off the void walls of this empty room.

i tried to move, hoping to find relief from the agonizing pain in my leg, only making the situation worse. the slightest movement sent waves of pain through me, and i bit down hard on my lip to contain my screams. it was broken, and i sat there alone, with no one to help me.

still somewhat dazed, i wondered how i'd ended up in this dark, eerie room. it was unsettling and ominous, and it seemed impossible to remember how i'd gotten there. i tried to think back to the events leading up to this moment, but the memory was lost in the fog.

letting aside my confusion, i held the pain as best as i could. it was too much to bear and i started whimpering. tears filled my eyes and i let out small sobs. the situation was too much and i was too caught up in the pain to be able to think clearly.

"h-help," i whispered through gritted teeth, fighting back the pain in my leg. i couldn't shout louder, and my cry was lost in the silence.

tears silently rolled down my cheeks as the pain refused to let up and my hope of rescue faded with every passing moment. i was trapped alone in this dark, empty room, and i felt my life fading away.

as the light flooded the room, my eyes struggled to adjust to the brightness. i squinted, trying to make out who was approaching but couldn't yet see the person clearly. my senses were dulled by the pain in my leg, making it difficult to comprehend everything that was happening.

still, i remained motionless, too weak to try and escape, but with the hope that this person, whoever they were, might be able to help me.

after a moment, i felt myself being lifted into the air. they took me out of the dark room where i'd been trapped, and i wanted to ask questions. where were we? and who was this person? but i couldn't find my voice, stuck on the pain in my leg. i let them carry me, feeling completely powerless but strangely comforted. i was just happy to be out of this dark place.

i closed my eyes and let myself be carried. i didn't know where we were heading, but i was glad to be out of that dark room. i hoped that wherever we were going, there would be someone who could help with my broken leg. the pain was agonizing and i tried my best to stay calm.

despite the circumstances. i realized that this situation was completely out of my control and tried to hold on to hope that we would find a doctor, someone who could treat my injury.

my heart rate increased as i felt myself being laid down on a surface. it felt like a mattress or something similar. i heard the person move away from me and opened my eyes again, trying to get a grasp on the surroundings. i still had no idea where i was or who rescued me from the dark room, but i was content to finally be in a comfortable place.

shortly after, i heard footsteps approaching me once more. i turned to look, unsure of what this person wanted with me. would they give me medical attention or leave me to suffer? i felt weak and vulnerable as i tried to sit up.

with considerable effort, i propped myself up with my uninjured leg and arms, but my muscles shivered under the strain. i looked once more to the person approaching me, kneeling down before me. i felt anxious and desperate for help and opened my mouth to speak, but they suddenly placed a finger over my lips, silencing me.

initially startled by the person's finger on my lips, i tried to take in more details about the person – she had long, wavy black hair and a beautiful face, but her eyes felt almost frightening to meet. it was as if she could see right through me, her gaze relentless and her expression unreadable.

studying her brought me no comfort, and i remained anxious and uncertain of her true intentions or what she wanted from me.

feeling uneasy, i forced my eyes away from hers. suddenly, she reached out and touched my broken leg, inspecting it closely. i watched in surprise with my mouth agape. i wanted to ask what she was doing, but my silence held firm.

she continued to look at my leg for a moment, then slowly pulled her hand back, locking her eyes on me. i felt uneasy and on edge as her gaze remained fixed on me.

my thoughts raced, i could only stare at her, uncertain about her intentions. what was she doing? was she a doctor? why did she look at me that way, like she knew something i didn't?

suddenly, she pulled my pants leg aside. my heart skipped a beat as i saw the exposed broken bone and swelling. i let out a small gasp, surprised at the severity of the injury. she seemed to be contemplating something, not making a move to help me or ease the pain.

"i did this," she said calmly, her smile never fading. my heart raced in fear; i could not believe what she had done. her expression was unsettling; i felt like i was in the presence of a psychopath. i was terrified. my heart beat faster and fear gripped me tighter.

"why?" i managed to ask, whisper barely more than a breath. i was terrified. i waited for a response but all i got was her cold gaze. it was almost as if i could see her mind working, considering me as if i were an object. my fear continued to grow. i wished i could escape, but i was unable to move.

"because i wanted to," she said, her gaze never leaving mine. the coldness of her response sent a chill down my spine.

my heart raced as i wondered what she meant. i felt as if i were in danger and trapped in her presence. "who are you?" i finally mustered.

however, she didn't answer – she just continued to stare at me, her gaze unnerving and her expression unsettling.

"it's me, minji. don't you remember me, hanni?"

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