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[Izuku's POV]

The polices had lead me to an orphanage apparently, after my mom died, infront of me. "Hello, darling. I heard your mother died, sadly. I will be taking care of you though." She said in a sweet, and nice tone. It felt fake though, like something would've happen after. I respond with a nod as she lead me to my bedroom, shared with other childrens. "Here is your bedroom, and bathroom. You and the other children's will have to go to the bathroom one by one when it's morning, or night to shower. There is supplies in the basement if you need anything, feel free to explore this place." She pushed me outside of the bedrooms for me to go explore, but I didn't want to, I just want to escape from this place called orphanage. I know that, they are kind to me and stuff but... I don't want to do anything right now and go to my mother's grave, although she was abusive,

but I still love her as my mother.

Kids here are kinda annoying though, I'd rather stay in the apartment then in here the orphanage. But still, I do not have a choice anyways. "Hey, are you the new kid?" A kid came from the lunch table came to me. "Hi?" I replied, I didn't really know what to say to be honest. "What's your quirk by the way?" He asked in curiosity. Well, I bet when I told him I was quirkless, he'd probably tell everyone. But if I say I have a quirk, maybe he'll ask me to show my quirk infront of him like how it works, and if I don't do anything, people will consider me as a liar. I was taking down notes in my notebook and ignoring his existence, I didn't wanna talk about anything right now. "Are you perhaps... quirkless?" His face looked disgusted, but I couldn't care less. "So? What does that have to do with you?" "Quirkless people are nothing but a waste of life." "If you're here to tell me that then I hope you actually stay away from me." I replied, I hated when people were like this, it's not fair. Not like I had a choice anyways, but still, the words hurt me deeply in the heart, like my heart had sank. How people treated quirkless people like they were worthless, and useless at the same time.

I wanted to escape this place, I always hate it. The kid stayed away from me afterwards, the word of me being quirkless was already quickly spread everywhere in the orphanage, now I was being bullied, by these orphan kids, I mean I am an orphan too, now. Days after days, getting bullied all day, scars and bruises. But it's alright, I guess, it's normal for a quirkless loser like me to be treated that way. All I wanted to escape, but... I need a plan first. This orphanage is good, food is prepared everyday, can shower and rest. But most of all, I hate it when people bullies me when I'm quirkless though, I'm still a human being even if I'm quirkless.

After planning, I decided to escape through the windows, opening the windows since they aren't any protection to it. When everyone was sleeping in the night, I jumped over to the window and opened it in peacefully, without anyone noticing. I opened the window and jumped outside, landing safely. "Ha! Finally out of this hellhole." I said, landing easily as I looked at the stars, beautiful.

I ran away, quietly, there was forest I was running towards to, walking in the streets after hours of running away from the orphanage, I somehow ended up wondering around the streets. Looking at the stars while walking, I didn't even care even if I bumped into anyone. The stars like beautiful, maybe one day, when I'm gone, I'll be one of the stars in the skies too.

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