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[Izuku's POV]

I woke up in a sudden... wait, that was all fake? A dream, huh...

I sighed, at least it was a dream... I sounded so dramatic and attention-seeking.

The house is so silent... well, it's only me in this house. Alone, so that's why.

I walked to the hallway, looked at the clock.

Wait a minute... it's 7 a.m. already?!

I quickly went to brush my teeth and wear my uniform, brushing my hair after.

School starts at 8 a.m. but I take longer time since I always take notes of heroes in the morning because I want to know how their quirks and fighting skills works.

I never really ate anything for breakfast anyways... I always skip breakfast.

I carried my heavy bag and dragged my body to school. I felt so tired then ever.

Bakugo: "Why aren't you not dead yet, huh?"

Bakugo said with a explosion in his hands.

Really though... why am I not dead yet?

That was the first sentence I've heard this morning.

Bakugo: "Deku... seriously, why can't you die for once? Why aren't you dead? Why are you still fuckin' alive?... you're making my day worse by still showing up in the world."

Yeah... I know that.

Bakugo did some explosion on me and some of his friends kicked me and mumbled a word.


'Disgusting Freak."

I dont understand... this world is cruel, only cares about strong and wonderful quirk.

I wished I had a quirk though, maybe I'd be bakugo's friend.

Maybe not.

I just met the reality once again.

[Timeskip to Lunch]

I was eating my lunch I packed on the rooftop since if I had went to the cafeteria I would get laughed at and make myself a laughingstock.

Suddenly, I saw somebody was behind me.

??: "Jump"

Me: "Huh?... What do you mean?"

??: "Jump, off this building."

I- What?... that person told me to jump off this building?

Me: "No... I cant do that, even if I wanted to."

??: "Pft... To be honest if I were you I'd kill myself already. Now jump, you know that the world hates you and you're still alive? Wow, I can't believe you would still continue your life after all the things happened to you, it's funny."

Me: "My past is not your business!"

??: "Do I look like I care less?"

I looked to the person, it was somebody older then me in school.

He started to come closer, I stood up and he was walking closer each second went pass by.

He started to push me off the edge but luckily, I dodged him and ran off to my classroom leaving my lunch box there.

My day has been getting worser...

I mean I have been suicide baited and all that but... I just can't believe that somebody would try to push me off the edge of the building trying to kill me because I'm quirkless.

Is being quirkless really a bad thing? Am I really that useless and worthless after all?

I really want to know.

It's not fair... why does people with quirks get whatever they want.

I guess I'm just being dramatic.

I hope that person will stop...

Maybe not.

That's just the real world works.

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