I hate this feeling.

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[Izuku's POV]

Everything sucks.

I hate everyone, nobody cares about me, everyone just... take their anger at me.

I'm just a 'pathetic punching bag' everyone hates.

I'm just a quirkless freak everyone loves to bully.

I don't understand anyone.

I hate them.

No one can save me.

I wished... there was somebody who cared, and loved me like how people with quirks are treated.

But there wasn't.

I'm just too dumb to believe there was.

I'm a human too, why am I being treated this way...

I wished they'd knew my feelings.

I wished they'd care.

I'm so pathetic... talking to myself.

I wished the bullying stopped.

I wished the suicide baiting and violence stopped

I wish I was free from everyone.

But I wasn't.

I would get bullied everyday, suicide baited and get harmed by my classmates for being quirkless

I am just somebody everyone hated.

Why can't I be good enough?

Even mom said I was a disappointment to our family...

I guess that's why dad left.

If I had a quirk... would everything be different? Would I get treated good and with respect? Would I have been friends with 'bakugo' and not getting bullied?

Well, nobody even cares if I die, right?

I am just a piece of shit.

Everyone thinks I'm a worthless, useless, disappointment, failure, bummer, valueless and lame person.

Everyone would bully me with angrinse, madness and irateness since I'm quirkless and not deserved to be living.

I wished everything was different.

Today was maybe a special day, a day to die! Finally, my time has come.

Bakugo: "You might as well take a swan dive of the roof of the building since your so... inconsequential."

I was sick of hearing that once again, I might as well do it.

Im so sick of my life.

I hate my life, I want to kill myself already.

I wished he killed me.

I didn't say anything of course, I had burn marks on my shoulders or on my arms.

Bakugo: "Nothing to say huh? Your existence makes me sick, I can't believe a useless quirkless freak like you would believe that I would be your 'dearest' best friend. Your so pathetic, if I was as pathetic as you are, I would've commit ages ago."

Bakugo and his partners went out the classroom and left me all by myself inside.

I'm so enervated... I wish I was gone.

I mean, nobody would even notice that I was gone.

Will I ever get love from anyone?

I looked at my hands, all bruised by 'bakugo'.

I feel so worn out... I hate this feeling.

I'm definitely going to kill myself tonight.

Nobody would even care anyways so why not do it?

I know everyone just wants me dead.

I'm a meaningless person anyways.

I deeply wished they'd understand.

But they'll never.

Even all might told me I couldn't become a hero.

After the sludge villain attack with bakugo, he got a lot of attention and help he needed and got on the news.

While me, myself.

Was scolded by some pro heroes saying that I shouldn't had run and try to help bakugo.

I think they were just saying I was pathetic doing that, because I heard some laughter when I was trying my best to help.

I was embarrassed and really sorrowful when the pro heroes scolded me.

I wanted to dig a hole and bury myself inside.

I'm just wasting everyone's energy bullying me.

I might as well disappear.

I might as well kill myself like everyone wished.

I can't even be good enough for my mother then how am I good enough for this world?

I wish I can rest peacefully forever,

With no bullying, violent and suicide baiting.

I don't get it, why am I even born anyways?

Why did I exist in this world.

I don't belong here at all.

I am just a waste of space.

A burden, a 'attention seeker' everyone calls.

I don't understand... I can't even pass a day without getting burned or harmed by other people.

Why did my mom even born me anyways.

I hate it in this world

I want to die already. I really hate this feeling.

I'm so lamentable.

My life is just...pathetic if I continue it.

[726 words in total]
Thanks for reading! :)

[END OF CHAPTER 1][726 words in total]Thanks for reading! :)

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