Stop it.

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[Izuku's POV]

After walking back to my lonely and boring home, I dragged my useless body to my room.

It was so quiet after mom got attacked by the villains, she was my only loved one.

I putted my bag down on my room and started to go outside, not for a walk but go to the top the building.

there was so many thoughts in my mind, wanting to suicide and end my lifeless life.

Nobody wants me in this world, absolutely no one.

I got to the top of the roof of the building, took my shoes off and step to the edge of the roof.

"You'll never be a hero."

"Your too worthless to even be in this world."

"If I was as pathetic as you are, I would've commit ages ago."

"Kill yourself, it'd make everyone better."

"You're such a disappointment."

My head started to get hurt, so painful.

I want to end my life already, but I'm scared.

I looked down on the edge of the roof of the building, it was beautiful.

I want to jump down already.

Me: I hope I get a good quirk in my next life.

I smiled and took a step to end my tiring life.

Suddenly, a grey scarf was around my wrist and my stomach, I got pulled away from the edge of the building.

I turned back and couldn't believe my eyes, it was Eraserhead! But that isn't stopping me to suicide and end my life.

Eraserhead: "Kid, what were you doing?! This is dangerous, you have a future ahead of you."

He looked at me with concern, his words were like him pitying me, I hated attention.

I hated everyone, nobody cares about me so why is he speaking lies?

Me: "Just... let me die already, it's not like anything would happen if I died."

Eraserhead looked shocked at my response, I wanted to laugh, but I couldn't.

Eraserhead: "Kid... there's plenty of people who loves you like your family and friends, if you die everyone would be sad."

I wanted to laugh so hard, 'plenty of people who loves you like your family and friends' seriously? I know he is just trying to make me feel better and not make a chaos by jumping off this roof.

Me: "Who said I had a family and friends."

I laughed, Eraserhead just stared at me in confusion.

Me: "You know what, just let me end my lifeless life here. You gotta stop wasting your time on me alright?"

Eraserhead: "I'm not wasting my time on you, so don't overthink. Your life isn't lifeless, your life is precious. Why would you want to die?"

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