Chapter 59 - Ultima vs Water Serpent

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"What is it? Liver." Esdeath continues to slash and kill the snakes as she listens to her subordinate's report.

"Reinforcement has arrived, I suggest we move on to the next." Liver bowed as at the moment he said those words, a gate was opened unleashing more than a thousand battled-ready warriors.

"Whoa, snakes!"

"Nice let's enjoy this fight boys!"

"It's fine to kill those that were infected right?"

Several more loud comments and crazy laughter were heard as they mowed through.

Esdeath nodded her head, they should be able to take care of this much threat.

Then she went to another universe, much like the last one, this one had snakes and humanoid snakes biting and spreading their kind.

With her are her most elite in the Jaeger Regiment, a thousand-strong army of former humans turned Greater demons by Ultima.

"Let's get to work." She tightened her grip on her sword. "For the Silver God!"

""Silver God!""

Raising the morale of the army, she charged head first to the den of snakes of different shapes and sizes.

They started to kill the snakes on each planet, taking nothing more than 3 minutes on each one.

How did they do that?

"Bomb planted!" a young man with blond hair announced to everyone. He was another demon chevalier who served under Esdeath.

With those words as a sign, every one of them flew toward space.

As they had all become demons, they did not require air.

From the bomb planted, poison gas was spreading globally. The snakes started to scream and bleed from their eyes wanting to kill themselves.

The residents? What residents? They've all turned into monsters!

"Ahhh!! It burns!!!"

"Help! I'm still! normal!"


Esdeath and the others were going world to world to eliminate the snakes as efficiently as possible.

Then a portal opened a large one. A large Serpent, with its head the size of a city capital and its length as long as hundreds of kilometers.

"Liver..." Esdeath stared at the large snake slowly passing through the portal. "Call Ultima-sama."

Liver nodded and quickly ran to report.

The Jaegers were frightened by the sheer size of the enemy finally finishing passing through. But, they did not dare to leave; as Esdeath had their lives in her hands. The moment that they even tried to take a step back, they would be brought to her 'garden' as one of her toys for her plants and pets.

"No need to panic, all we need to do is distract it until Ultima-sama arrives." Esdeath orders everyone to take their position.

She brought the ones that were most likely to survive together to act as bait and distraction for the snake. While the rest spread out to continue eliminating the snakes that were still spreading out.

"It'll be pointless to bring the weak ones in this fight." Esdeath looked at the hundred-strong army she was left with after pushing the rest away.

Ten of them are demon chevaliers and the rest are greater demons that are the best and fastest of all of the Jaegers.

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