Back to Work (.14)

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"I'm sorry. I thought I could do this. I need you to know... I want to help, but... But..."

"But your lips are sealed," Bigby finished. Sounding a bit defeated.

Sunny placed a hand on Nerissa's shoulder. "It's okay."

"I'm...sorry if I'm wasting your time. I thought I knew how to say it," Nerissa said with tears in her eyes.

Things went quiet for a moment. Bigby looked from the hand on Nerissa's shoulder to the ribbon around her neck. "Ribbons... Faith wore one, too."

"Do you like it?" Nerissa asked. Sounding a bit dead.

"How can I? It's a tool to keep you stuck in that life. Subservient," Bigby huffed in frustration.

"That's why you can't tell us anything?" Sunny tried to confirm but then remembered the spell wouldn't let her anyway.

Sunny and Nerissa stared each other in the eyes. Trying to think of a way to get this to work.

"You mind if I just-" Bigby reached over the desk towards the ribbon. On instinct, Sunny smacked his hand away.

Bigby retracted his hand with a growl. "What!?"

Nerissa had jumped out of the chair in a panic. Sunny stood in front of her protectively.

"You don't just-" Sunny started to yell before stopping herself.

Bigby seemed to realise what he had done and lifted his hands up. "Okay, okay. It's alright. I'm not gonna do anything."

Sunny gave Bigby one last look before turning to Nerissa. "I think I'm getting how this works now. If the ribbon comes off, it's all over."

Nerissa gave her a sad look. She looked like she wanted to burst into tears then and there. Sunny let out a frustrated sigh.

"I'm sorry, Nerissa. I...wish there was something I could do." Sunny said to her as Bigby picked the knocked-over chair off the floor.

Nerissa opened her mouth to say something, but a knock at the door made her jump in surprise.

"If anyone finds out I came here-" Nerissa told them nervously.

"That's probably Snow," Bigby said as he walked to the door.

Nerissa grabbed him by the wrist. "Listen... Can you two keep this conversation between us? I could be in a lot of...trouble. I shouldn't be talking to you. Please."

"What are you worried about?" Bigby asked her.

"Just...please don't say anything," Nerissa insisted.

Bigby and Sunny nodded to her. It was honestly the least they could do for her.

"Thank you."

The door opened, and it was none other than Snow. Having changed out of her bloody clothes and holding a bag in her hands. She seemed a bit surprised to see Nerissa gripping Bigby's arm. "Sorry, I just need to talk to the Sheriff and Deputy for a moment. Please excuse us."

Nerissa sat back down. Sunny and Bigby talked with Snow though at the door.

"I might have a new lead for you, but I don't know how solid it is. Beauty and Beast called the office just now. They said they wanted to talk to you about something."

The former mermaid's eyes widened at the mention of the married couple. She grabbed her bag in a hurry and stood up. "Thank you for listening, Sunny, Sheriff. You should go on to your next business. I don't think you'll be wasting your time."

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