SEASON TWO; save a horse, ride a cowboy

Comenzar desde el principio

"Zunami," She murmured, narrowing her eyes as she stared at the movement in the distance.

"What was that?" Warren asked, turning to look over her shoulder at the girl. 

"Zunami," she repeated louder "Doc and I have been watching it for a while, and I think that's what it is. What else would it be?"

"I was hoping a stampeded of unicorns," Doc chuckled "not psycho brain eaters."

"We need some recon," Warren concluded. "How's that radio coming?"

"About to find out,"  Addy reported to Warren, before turning on the machine. (y/n) held her breath, her ears straining to see if the man on the other end would reply or not. She really hoped he wasn't dead, but then again - they hadn't made contact with him in months, and she didn't get the vibe that he'd be a good slayer. 

The makeshift radio crackled, but yielded nothing after a few minutes' of Addy struggling to make it work. 

"When's the last time you talked to that guy, anyway?" Murphy commented from the back, creepily knowing exactly what (y/n) was thinking. "Probably isn't even alive anymore." 

(y/n) winced, but she knew he was speaking the truth. He probably wasn't, but a small part of her really hoped he was okay. 

"Aren't you a ray of sunshine this morning?"

"Well, excuse me, princess," Murphy sneered "that's what happens when you haven't had a decent cup of coffee in half a decade." (y/n) snorted, cleaning one of her knife blades on one of Tommy's many bandanas. 

"He has a point, you know." 

"Whose side are you on?" Addy raised a dark eyebrow, looking at her friend, who rolled her eyes playfully. 

"Don't lie, Carver, I know you miss coffee." 

"Doesn't everybody?" The two girls smirked at one another for a minute, enjoying the friendly banter that seemed to have fizzled out after Mack's death. But recently, it had started again, and (y/n) grinned at the thought of her friend - her best friend - healing. 

But then Mack's death got her thinking about Tommy, and the shattering ache that would come from losing him. She shook her head, keeping those fears at bay. As if he could read her mind, he tapped her knee. 

"You okay?" He asked, his blue eyes boring into her and she wondered fleetingly if he could tell she was lying. 

She forced a smile. "Yeah, I'm fine." 

If he suspected anything, he didn't vocalize it. Instead, he helped Addy continue to make the radio work, all of them wondering if they'd manage to hear even a ghost of Citizen Z's voice. 

                             ➳(y/n) stepped out of the comfort of the van and into the dry desert heat, the sun immediately beating on her shoulders where her tank top didn't cover. 

"I told you so," she muttered, kicking at a rock that found itself in her boot's path. "Zunami. Zombie tsunami. End of the world." She waved her hands around dramatically as she walked to follow the others towards a set of red ATVs. 

Glory and gore - 𝟙𝟘𝕜.Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora