SEASON ONE; back to you

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                              ➳ The sound of a gunshot brought them back to the others, finding Murphy in the middle of trouble, again

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                              ➳ The sound of a gunshot brought them back to the others, finding Murphy in the middle of trouble, again.

"What the hell is going on here?" Brett demanded.

"Who fired that shot?" (y/n) asked, looking around for that familiar head of raven-black hair, whose rifle she hoped was behind the noise. But, seeing as there were no bodies on the ground, it couldn't have been him.

Ten Thousand doesn't miss.

"He went for her gun and it went off," Henry snitched. (y/n) raised her eyes at Murphy.

"This true?" Brett asked Janine, who claimed she'd been reloading when it went off. A lie. Why would she lie, to save Murphy?

"Knock off the bullshit and pull yourselves together," he commanded them "the Mesa plant is just up ahead. Let's get going before it gets dark.

So, they found themselves heading back towards that horrid place, whose zombie-infested areas loomed over (y/n). She had a bad feeling about this. And when she had a bad feeling, it was safe to assume shit was going down. 

As they were approaching the pharmaceutical plant, the alarm that (y/n) and Murphy's captors had set on the truck went off. The girl gazed up at the sky, sending a little thank-you to whichever deity - probably Citizen Z - was responsible for guiding their team back to them. 

"Keep moving," Brett commanded. Ugh, this guy had a sense of toxic masculinity that made (y/n) want to retch. When she didn't move, but kept staring off in the direction, Henry roughly shoved her forward. 

"Get goin'." he told her, and resentfully, she did. 

"Great," Murphy said sarcastically, when Brett and Janine were explaining the Zs that were high off of.. whatever. "just what the world needs. ADHD zombies." Brett told them of Janine's husband's death, and how this time their plan was adjusted. 

Essentially, they were going to sacrifice the future savior of humanity, just to get to the damn drugs. (y/n) found the thought of feeding him to the Zs tempting, but doing that would guarantee her death. In the end, she chose not to. 

"There's no way I'm doing this," Murphy refused, and Zimmerman lost his shit. He pressed Murphy against the trunk of a tree, yelling at him. (y/n) pulled out her hunting knife from its holster and held it against his spine. 

"I wouldn't do that if I were you," she cooed. Her knife didn't see any action, however, because Murphy bit the man. 

"Son of a bitch!" He screamed, pain coursing through his veins, (y/n) guessed. "You bit me! I ought to shoot you right now." He pulled out his pistol, but the girl pressed the tip of her knife into his skin, not enough to kill, but certainly enough to hurt like hell. 

"But you won't." Murphy stated. Their weird, tense conversation halted, when Janine recognized Jason. This sparked another argument, this time about Janine's resentment. 

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