SEASON TWO; backseat lovers

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                                             ➳After the zombie jam incident and her near-drowning experience, (y/n) didn't want to step foot on another boat for as long as she lived.

Until, of course, Doc suggested they use a canoe to find their boy.

"Oh, come on - you really think you're gonna get this thing all the way across?" Addy pointed to the boat with her bat.

"We're sure as hell gonna try. Here, kid, you grab that side."

(y/n) put her knife back in her belt and bent down, only to feel Warren's hand gently on her shoulder.

"Don't waste your breath, Warren," the girl said, and instantly regretted how harsh the words sounded coming out of her mouth. She winced. "we're going after him."

"You do what you gotta do, but we're going." Doc nodded, facing them off as if he dared them to try and stop him.

"What do you expect us to do? Wait for you?" Murphy asked gruffly, causing the girl to grit her teeth.

"Do whatever you want!"

"Then, we head West."

"Am I the only one who cares that 10k is out there?!" Doc finally shouted, at the end of his sanity. "Minus (y/n), obviously."

She nodded gratefully.

"Of course not!" Addy's voice rose, the exact way it always did when she denied something. (y/n) thought back to how soundly her friend slept the night before, when she herself had stared up at the stars and wondered if he was looking at them too.

Thinking of her, like she was thinking of him.

"I'm sorry," Murphy scoffed "I thought there was a mission that dictated our each and every action and that anything - anything! - was justifiable in service of the mission."

"Oh, shut the hell up!" (y/n) slammed her palm down on the side of the boot and wheeled around to face him. "We both know you don't actually give a shit about the stupid mission."

"I don't give a shit about this mission? Sweetheart, I am the mission."

"We take care of each other," Doc interjected, giving the girl time to breathe. "That's how we got this far. Without that, there is no mission!"

"Tell that to Cassandra, Doc. Or was she expendable?"

The blood drained from (y/n)'s face.

"He did what he had to do!" Doc defended the boy, when words seemed to fail the girl.

"Bullshit," Murphy sneered "He's a child with a gun who kills anything he doesn't understand. And let's not forget: each and every one of you is expendable. There's only one piece of precious cargo on this train."

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