SEASON TWO; confessions

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                               ➳The few hours after he woke up in the truck were fuzzy, but he remembers seeing his blood on (y/n)'s shirt with startling clarity. He didn't remember throwing it up all over her, but he saw in her face that it must have been bad. 

Like, he'd almost died, bad.

He roamed the farmhouse's empty halls, with its peeling, faded blue wallpaper. It fell off in curls, and he found himself imagining how (y/n) would have talked about it. She liked talking about things like they were poems, when in reality it was just age that wore them down. 

It was one of the things he really loved about her, actually. 

His boots touched the floor quietly as he shuffled along, still not feeling his best. Of course, it was only a few days ago he'd almost died. It was funny, how little that seemed to change for him. 

Well, he knew it changed one thing. But maybe, it hadn't changed at all. Maybe, almost dying only helped him realize it, but he was sure to keep his silence. 

If she didn't say anything, then neither would he. 

At least they were still friends, right? 

He scoffed a little to himself, as he entered one of the rooms. It was decorated in wooden furniture, but everything was empty. Except for the closet. He slung his rifle over his shoulder, and reached his fingers out to slide along the various fabrics. 

"What you up to, kid?" Doc's voice echoed from the doorway, and Tommy whipped his head around to look at him. 

"Nothing." he dropped his hand away from the black shirt he thought (y/n) might like. 

"Sure doesn't look like nothing," the old man chuckled. "you feeling okay, kiddo?" 

10k smiled at him, nodding his head. "Yeah. Just-" he gestured to the closet "i got blood on her shirt, so I was going to, uh, pick her a new one." He awkwardly scratched the back of his neck. The old man beamed at him, though, and clapped him on the shoulder. 

"She likes green, but black might suit her!" 

"Green looks best," he murmured, turning back to pick another top. Doc was eerily quiet; so quiet the boy was a bit worried and he drew his eyebrows together, staring at him in confusion. 


"Have you two talked since, well - you know?" 

"Since what?" 

"Oh, kid, when I was your age," he waved his pointer finger at the younger boy, wagging it. "if you thought a girl was pretty, you told her! You'd think in a damn apocalypse..." his words trailed off as he mumbled to himself, returning back to the hallway. 

10k stood there, blinking at the space where Doc was just standing. What just happened? 

Shaking his head slightly, the boy knelt down to pick up the black shirt he dropped. He knew she loved green, but this way - they could match. 

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