SEASON TWO; here we go... again

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                             ➳It was hard to tell how much time had passed. (y/n) would have used the sun, but they'd had so little water the past however long that looking up at the sky burned her eyes. They'd found rags to wrap their skin in, to keep it safe from being burned by the harsh UV rays. 

They trudged along, heading north still. Her shoulder was killing her, and it must have kept bleeding because she could only feel herself getting weaker at time went on. Eventually, she was leaning heavily against Tommy, limping along. 

It was no secret, to the young girl who'd been taught by a former field medic, that the wound was probably infected, and would kill her if they didn't come across a miracle. She groaned as they walked through a small patch of abandoned vehicles. 

There were large, yellow flowers growing from within one of the cars, and (y/n) kept limping along, one arm wrapped around 10k's shoulders, until her body seized, and she stumbled. 

"Okay," Warren cooed, helping her along as Doc walked ahead, shoving something off the hood of a car so she could sit down. "Let's get you over here." 

(y/n) sat as Warren told her, and could have cried with relief. Her entire shoulder was throbbing and felt hot, so hot. She wanted to rip off everything they'd put on a sunblock and just lay down. 

And her throat, God, her throat burned like she'd swallowed fire. Tommy kneeled down beside her, and peeled away the top layer of bandage to get a look at her wound. He grimaced, and she let her head fall back onto the car. 

"Shit," she groaned, squeezing her eyes shut. 

"What is it?" Doc asked, peeking over the boy's shoulder. 

"The bleeding's stopped, but," his sentence trailed off. (y/n) sighed. 

"Just go," her voice was hoarse from dehydration. "I'll be fine. You guys go, live. Leave me a weapon and some ammo." 

"I can't do that," Tommy sighed, pushing the sweaty hair out of her face. She grinned deliriously at him - his little headscarf and entire outfit was quite funny at the time. 

"Hey. Nobody's leaving you here to die." Warren promised. Doc passed her the flask. 

"Here. Take the last of the water." 

She batted his hands away. "No. Someone else." Doc tried again, and then Tommy. 

"I said no!" she exclaimed, then groaned in pain. "don't waste it on me when I'm just going to die." Her best friend - and maybe something more - leaned down to grab her chin in one of his hands. 

"You are not going to die." he said sternly, and held out the flask. "Drink, please." And with those eyes, how could she say no? Sometimes, she swore he was like a puppy. 

"I'm feeling pretty weak myself," Warren admitted sadly. 

"If we wait here too long, we might get too sick to get help," Doc said to Warren, in hushed voices. (y/n) found the energy to roll her eyes. 

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