SEASON ONE; slow dancing

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                                ➳Cassandra's leg was getting worse, day by day. That meant the group was continuously stopping so she could rest, instead of carrying on. The boy, loving her with his entire heart, volunteered to carry her, whenever he could. 

He'd been carrying the girl for a while, searching for gas, but her extra weight was becoming hard on his body after so many hours. (y/n) looked over at him and jogged over. 

"I'll take her," she offered, grabbing her other arm. 10k shook his head. 

"No, I've got her," he told the girl, but she wouldn't listen. Most times, he loved her stubborn nature - unless it was directed at him. 

"You look like you're about to pass out," she chuckled, removing Cass's weight from her shoulder entirely and putting it onto hers. "don't worry about it." The boy shrugged. 

"Suit yourself," and then he meandered around, continuing the search for the much-needed gas. The medicine that they had smuggled was gone by now, and the infection was returning. 

It scared him. 

Cassandra had become one of his favorite people in the world, the sibling he'd heard of but never truly had. She'd grown on him, as they all had, into people he would call family. 

They were his family. 

Finally, finally, they found a car with gas to siphon from the tank, and they continued their journey West. 

"Slow down," Ten Thousand shouted down to Warren, who was driving as always. He'd spotted a rather promising-looking place for them to stop for the night, since none of them enjoyed travelling at night. 

She pulled the large vehicle onto the smaller gravel road, leading up to the rocky clearing off the side of the road. It wasn't perfect, but it was out in the open so they wouldn't be snuck up on by Zs - or worse. 

Mack normally got a fire going, but Ten Thousand was in charge of that in his absence. (y/n) went by with Doc on a quick hike to the woods a few miles off, and returned shortly with more wood - mostly sticks and a few logs. 

She dropped it unceremoniously on the ground, and the boy raised his eyebrows at her. 

"What?" she asked, glancing at Doc, who shrugged. 

"Are you gonna split it?" 10k asked her, and she tentatively placed her hand on her axe. 

"But, it's reserved for Zs," the girl nearly whined. He shook his head, smiling. 

"I don't want to freeze, thank you very much." Murphy spat, lounging in the trunk, while Warren single-handedly set up the canopy above it. 

10k shuffled over to gather up the smaller pieces, to use as kindling, as she pulled out her weapon to do less-violent chores.

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