SEASON ONE; three strangers

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                               ➳It seemed, the group headed for California, was taking the most absurd route possible. Last week, they were in Utah, and the new week had found them in Colorado. What Warren was planning, (y/n) couldn't tell. 

But, she trusted the woman with her life, and wouldn't dare complaining about living another day. Because in this world, the present moment was the only time you were guaranteed. Not a tomorrow, or the day after that. So, she found it nearly impossible not to smile. 

"You think we'll ever see them again?" Cassandra asked to fill the silence. (y/n) poked her head into the backseat, leaning over 10k's shoulder. 

"Mack and Addy?" Warren asked, glancing at them in the rear-view mirror "My heart says yes. But my mind? My mind says no." (y/n) smiled sadly. 

"I like to trust everything will turn out exactly how it's supposed to," The girl sighed, looking out the window. Doc turned back to look at her. 

"Divine order and everything, I like it," he said "I'd kinda hoped they'd make it with us to the promised land." They lapsed into silence, until they came upon a rather large roadblock. 

"Heads up, everybody," the old man warned. Zs tended to get stranded in the vehicles, and it was never fun to have one grab you. 

"I hate roadblocks," 10k whined, very unlike himself - but it made (y/n) laugh anyways. 

"Aw, poor baby," she cooed sarcastically, lifting her chin off his shoulder to look at him, and he titled his face to look at her as she spoke. However, when their faces were angled together and they seemed to share the very air between them, time stood still. 

Only for a moment, before (y/n) moved away to sit further back in the trunk and pull out Wuthering Heights, leaving the boy looking dumbfounded. 

She hated it.

The way she felt when she was around him, but also the way she felt when she wasn't around him. That was infinitely worse, on so many levels. 

"Think that bridge will hold the truck?" Doc asked Warren, as everyone filed out of the vehicle to examine their only way around the annoying roadblock. (y/n) held her rifle close, keeping an eye out for anything that might be amiss on this golf course. 

"Better test it first," Warren responded, jumping up and down a little bit on the bridge. 

"Warren," the girl chuckled "i hate to tell you this but you do not weigh as much as that truck." The older woman smiled before responding. 

"Looks pretty solid," she commented, as the group strolled along the structure. Cassandra, luckily, hadn't needed them to  carry her around as much the last few days, after (y/n) changed her bandages and placed some basil to help ease the infection. 

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