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CW: Violence, stabbing, gun violence.

There's no mood board on purpose. This is the big reveal. Also, surprise, MOTHERFUCKERS! I rallied and wrote the goddamn chapter tonight!



"Kate and Yelena made it in. They're down in the basement." James informs her as he slides his phone back into his pocket, his leg jiggling nervously.

He's dressed in a black suit, black dress shirt, and a shiny black tie. His hair is pulled back into a bun and she doesn't think she's ever seen him look more beautiful— or more anxious. He was wired when they woke up this morning, fucking her hard into the mattress to relieve stress. And then again in the shower. They both use sex as a distraction, and they both welcome it.

"How did they get in?" Dahlia asks.

"Killed four of Ultron's men and shoved them into the dumpsters. Parker took out the cameras beforehand via a computer in the hotel. Combed through emails, picked an employee with a grudge against Ultron." He turns to her. "It'll never be traced back to us."

The other thing she's worried about is an investigation. James giving up control of Barnes Towers and stepping aside after Ultron's death looks suspicious— and so does a brand new development once they level this fucking place. Dahlia wants to turn it into a hospital. They should be doing some fucking good in the midst of this kind of evil.

"Are you sure?"

"Positive. And the cameras are stuck on a loop. It's seamless. The security guards won't notice a damn thing."

Dahlia swallows hard.

"Are you sure about that?"

James draws in a breath.

"No. But they're in the building, and that's all that matters."

"Tell her to keep texting you," Dahlia replies. "Some kind of—"

"Code word." James grins. "Already figured out, peach. The Widows are in the building next door. They're ready too. All we have to do is say the word.

The plan is fairly simple. James sends a single text and they detonate three of the cars parked outside. With everyone distracted, James grabs Ultron and brings him downstairs where Yelena and Kate will be waiting. Wanda and Thor are already in the ballroom, waiting for them and scoping the place out. Dahlia sends another text to her.

How does it look?

Wands 🍃: Shitty, like a third rate version of the ballroom in Barnes Towers. The only pretty thing are those floral arrangements you made.

Dahlia smiles. That's what she really loves to do. When they've semi-retired, she's going to go back to co-running In Bloom, but she'd like to open up a little flower stand in Italy and sell arrangements part-time. She misses working with her hands, the artistry of it all, and caring for something. Dahlia wants to pass her love of flowers down to her children, just like her dad did for her. It's the thing that still connects her to him.

Wands 🍃: Sorry, I know this is serious and a dude is getting murdered tonight, but this place is so fucking gaudy.

It's what happens when you don't have the dream team decorating your hotel.

Wands: 🍃: I love us.

Dahlia chuckles.

Me too, babe.

TITAN (𝘖𝘭𝘦𝘢𝘯𝘥𝘦𝘳 𝘉𝘰𝘰𝘬 𝘐𝘐) || Bucky BarnesxOCWhere stories live. Discover now