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Song: Stay With Me - Lost. ft Pop Mage

☠️ Cassius ☠️

I don't know what came over me. It is a sort of trance, a type of spell that I am trapped in. Her singing... It is peace. At the moment, it is my lifeline. Her mood is mine. Her feelings, mine. Everything she feels, I feel. 

I take a few steps forward unconsciously, before stopping myself. I grip the trunk of the tree, my knuckles white, fighting the impulse to walk towards her.

Sitting down and laying my back against it, I close my eyes. She isn't singing anymore, and I am ruined. Thoroughly ruined. The voice is back with vengeance, and I work to push it down. I dig my fingers into my palm, the pain fighting against the pain in my head.

You don't want this to stop. Deep down, you know it, too. The voice purr. I ignore it, clutching my head. I know traveling such a long distance through divination is stupid, now the voice is stronger, and soon it will take over me. 

I feel something trickle between my fingers. I glance down to see a trail of blood coating my hand. Unclenching my fingers, I wipe it carelessly against the tree bark. There's dried blood under my nails, and I work to pick it out. 

"Little bird got caught, it's stuck in a cage. They tied a knot against its neck, and that's another page in the story. Yeah, it's another chapter and I can't stop the pages from turning. I don't want it to continue, I don't want it to finish. I want the bird to be free. I want to be free,"

I immediately relax. The voice is gone. Then she sighs, again, and laughs awkwardly to herself. Now I feel awkward, even when there's nothing to be embarrassed about. 

The laugh works like her song. I want to bottle up every sound she makes like fine wine that I can drink any moment I could.

I have the sudden urge to see her face. To watch her blush prettily. To watch her light up with anger. To see her under me, looking at me passionately.

What am I thinking? I shake my head. That is not a proper thought. "I must be out of my mind," I say to myself. "What is up with me today? Is it because of the transportation? It wasn't even that far."

The girl looks so lonely, sitting on the edge like that. I don't want to be lonely. I don't want her to be lonely. I want to be the reason she smiles. The reason she laughs. The reason our moods change.

Before I know what I'm doing, I change my appearance. My hair blooms into blood red, my eyes sky blue, and freckles dot my face. My bone structure changes, becoming less sharp. 

I am walking up to her. My steps are silent, until I stand right behind her, so close I can feel the heat radiating from her body.

She doesn't look at me. Her head spins, her eyes fierce, and without hesitation, she slams her hand between my legs. With a lot of force. (When I mean a lot, I mean a lot. A LOT. Cannot emphasize how much it hurt. I want to throw up because of the pain, but I hold it in. No one has to know what I'm feeling.)

I bend over, gasping. "What the fuck," I wheeze out, "is wrong with you?"

"Wrong with me? What the heck is wrong with you? Goshdamn, didn't your mother teach you manners?" She rolls her eyes with attitude, glaring at me harshly.

"I'm not the one who hit the fuck out of someone so they can never have offspring again!" I groan again, cupping my genitals gently as if it would help with the pain.

"It's not my fault you creeped out on me! You weird guy!" Her green eyes glitters, a mixture of emerald and jade.

"Weird guy? WHO'RE YOU CALLING WEIRD GUY???" [Crap. I didn't write whore, guys. It's who are mushed together. I'm pretty sure we use that word often.]

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