
15 4 0

Song: Somewhere Only We Know - Keane

🌿 Sage 🌿
3 days later

I don't know if I'm going crazy or if I'm just crazy from the start and it is just showing its tendencies now that Ellie is dead.

The other prisoners from the cells keep on asking if I'm okay. Can't they see? I am fine! I don't need reassurance. I don't need anything. I am fine on my own.

"LISTEN UP LISTEN UP!" Another guard, I'm going to name him Timmy, bellows. "Our boss has graced you with a chance to be free for a day. You will be allowed to go wherever you want, as long as you wear a tracking bracelet. Sign up for the permission to do this starts now."

Timmy walks up to each and every one of our cells, holding up the poster and giving us a pen to sign. I take it, and after debating for a few seconds, I write my name on one of the blank lines. Timmy snatches the pen up and walks towards the next cell.

I wrap my arms around my knees, facing the bars. They still haven't cleaned up her body yet. At least I can see her peaceful expression, even if she looks so pale. I don't know when that privilege would be taken from me. (Honestly, seeing her dead face might be worse, but I feel deranged right now, so kiss my ass. Also, she's starting to smell. It's very unhygienic. I feel like she would rather be cremated than smell like that. If the superiors ever do that, I should ask for her ashes. Huh.)

🌿 🌿 🌿

I curl up on the little cot in the corner, trying to drift off. It's been more difficult to do that lately, since I know that the nightmare of seeing Ellie dying again would be hovering close, so anytime I close my eyes, the imagery would be there.

Now that I think about it... I can't get it out of my head. Damn my rambles. I can feel it build in my chest, coming out from my throat, but I hold it in. It burns as if I swallowed a piece of coal with spikes.

My eyes fill with water, and I let the tears fall. No one can hear them drop anyway. When the pressure at my throat becomes too much, I clasp a hand over my mouth, giving it a tiny release as I muffle the sound.

The sound of footsteps (There's a lot of sounds of footsteps lately. Why??) echoes through the dungeons.

I hold my breath, hoping the person, whoever they are, would leave. The footsteps sound closer, as if the person is walking towards me. I can't hold it in any longer, so I exhale as silently as possible.

But of course, my body chooses the worst time to betray me. Instead of exhaling silently as I've originally planned, it comes out as a sob. The sound of walking stops. Then the person starts walking faster towards ME. Why me?

I close my eyes as tight as possible. I'm facing the wall, so it is fine, right? The person won't know who they see, won't know who is making the sounds.

☠️ Cassius ☠️

Someone is crying. I don't know who, don't care why. Okay, maybe I am a little curious. Whatever. I walk towards the sound. They won't even know that I am going towards them, the people here are either stupid or too delirious to think.

But instead, the sounds of crying stop. I scoff, just a little. Maybe the prisoner is a little more conscious than I thought. I walk closer to the place I last heard the sound from.

A dead body is the first thing that comes to view. Judging from the amount of blood and the empty wound on the corpse's chest, some guy stabbed her and left her for dead. On the opposite jail cell, though, is a living woman.

Red hair that is full of dirt, grime, and knots fill my vision. She is breathing, her inhales and exhales shuddering through her body.

She has a hand over her mouth, but she is facing the wall, so I can't really see clearly. Nevertheless, I am sure she was the one I heard earlier.

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