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Song: Hostage - Billie Eilish

🌿 Sage 🌿

I sit on the bed, rethinking my life choices. What did I do to end up here, the person who imprisoned me's bed? I also promised myself to kick his nuts the next time I see him. Why didn't I do that?

I sigh. These clothes are dirty. I don't know if I can sleep in these. I jump off the bed and tip toe around the place before finding his closet. I grin. Oh, this is gold. I throw open the door to the wardrobe to find a bunch of fashionable clothes, all organized.

He has a fashion sense? Whoa. If I ignore the fact that all clothes are black, the clothes in there are actually not bad. The space in there is wide, and every nook and cranny has at least a piece of clothing.

He won't mind if I steal one of his shirts, right? I grab one of the shirts that look comfy and change into it, dropping the old crappy one to the ground. I should burn it, considering how long it has been with me.

I leave the shirt on the ground. I look down at Bossy Guy's shirt, the material at least covering my thighs. I think it's a decent amount of skin even if I take those fugly pants off. I nod in agreement to myself and take the pants off too, dropping it on top of the shirt. "He can clean that up." I murmur to myself. Even if I don't get to trash his room, this is enough.

I walk back outside to the bed, feeling so much more refreshed. I flop on the bed with my arms out like a jellyfish and wriggle happily. This bed feels soooo good, considering how long I've been sleeping on a bed that has no mattress.

I sneak under the covers and its warmth covers me. I wrinkle my nose. This doesn't feel as good as I think it's supposed to be. I think it's supposed to feel welcoming and nice, but instead it feels kind of a little suffocating.

I ignore the feeling and close my eyes. I'll be fine. I'm safe. I'm not in danger, I don't have to kill anyone. I'm not a murderer. I repeat the affirmation again and again and again until I almost believe it.

I relax my body against the bed. I have my freedom now. I'm alright. I breathe in deep and breathe out slowly. Redo the actions. I'm in one piece. Breathe.

I'm not going to cry I'm not going to cry I'm not going to cry I'm not going to cry—

"Bird?" I shoot up from my position. Since when did he come out? I didn't hear his footsteps. "What are you doing? Are you okay?"

"Uh, yeah? Why are you even asking that question? I'm obviously fine." I smile so wide my cheeks hurt and my tears well. "See? Smiling like you just died and I'm attending your funeral."

"You don't look okay at all." He puts a shirt and shorts on and looks at me suspiciously. "I don't believe you."

"Then don't believe me. See if I care." I DON'T. (Okay, maybe I do. Just a little bit.)

"Usually you would try to convince me that you are. That just proves even further that you are, in fact, not okay." He raises an eyebrow.

"Okay, smartypants." I roll my eyes in annoyance. "How do you know what I would usually do anyway? You've only met me for like, what? A day? And you didn't even see me for the rest of the day. So you've only met me for like, three or so hours." 

"That's..." He trails off. "How would you know? I'm really good at guessing people's feelings, you know." 

"Yeah, yeah, yeah. You liar. I bet you're using that weird magic thingie that you all do."

He doesn't answer. Is he ignoring me? I don't want to be ignored. I face him, and he looks like he's deep in thought.

The mood is somber again. Why did arguing with him help with my mood? I don't want to be happy because of him. I don't want to be smiling or laughing because of him. Because he's not worth it, that scammer.

🙖 SAGE 🙐Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt