Chapter 2- The Avatar

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"(Y/N)! It's good to see you!" he boomed.

"Good evening, Chief Arnook," I bowed out of respect, before turning to the kid next to him. "And Avatar, it is such an honour to meet you," I said, bowing once more to the kid, who continued to sit awkwardly.

"(Y/N) is one of master Pakku's favourite students," Chief Arnook explained to the Avatar. "I've seen them training myself, and (Y/N)'s progress has seriously impressed me,". The compliment made me smile, and I felt a sudden surge of confidence in my body. The young boy decided to chime in.

"Wow! You must be a great waterbender, then," he beamed at me. "Maybe you could teach me and my friend?" he asked, giving me pleading eyes that made me chuckle.

"That would be an honour, Avatar, but I think master Pakku should be the man for that job," I explained truthfully, though I was admittedly slightly disappointed to have to say that- training the Avatar would be a huge dream come true for me.

"Maybe you could introduce our friend here to Master Pakku?" the chief requested, and I nodded and bowed in return. As I could see that the waterbending show was ending, I decided now would be a good time for the Avatar to meet the master.

"Come with me, Avatar," I offered to the small boy. "I will introduce you to master Pakku,". The boy looked at me with a happy, cheeky face.

"Sure thing!" he said enthusiastically before adding "But you don't have to keep calling me Avatar. My name is Aang," he said lightly but sternly. I could tell that the constant formality bothered him slightly.

"Of course, Aang," I accepted as I started to walk, gesturing him to follow me. Curiosity got the better of me and I couldn't resist the temptation to ask a few questions. "So, if you don't mind me asking, what's your story? How come you've suddenly come back after a hundred years?" I carefully asked, though Aang didn't seem to mind.

As we continued to pace, Aang briefly summed up his story. He explained that his water tribe companions, whose names I learnt were Sokka and Katara, had freed him from a giant iceberg that had preserved his body for the last hundred years. They had set out to find a waterbender teacher, but made the discovery that they had to defeat the fire lord within nine months, before something called 'Sozin's comet' passed by the world. If unsuccessful, the fire lord would use the power from this comet to rule the world. I couldn't believe how much responsibility was on the shoulders of this twelve year old boy. I still had so many more questions, but we were approaching master Pakku, so I saved them for later. It had been amazing to have this single conversation with the Avatar, although I secretly hoped for another later. There was so much to learn.

"Master Pakku, this is your newest waterbending student, Avatar Aang," I introduced as Aang bowed out of respect. Master Pakku seemed unfazed by the arrival of the Avatar.

"Just because you're destined to save the world, don't expect any special treatment," Pakku sternly said with an ice cold look on his face. Nonetheless, Aang smiled at the waterbending master.

"My friend and I can't wait to start training with you," Aang beamed widely, before sneakily adding in "after we relax for a couple of days,". I internally snickered at the boy's naivety. I knew there was no way that master Pakku would let that slide, and I was quickly proven right.

"If you want to relax, then I suggest you visit a tropical island," Pakku said coolly. "If not, I'll see you both at sunrise. Good night," he added, before turning around and walking away. Aang clearly had a demoralised look on his face after the conversation had ended.

"Don't worry, he'll warm up to you," I reassured him. I knew better than anyone that master Pakku tended to be quite strict to his students a first.

"I hope so," he said with a faint smile. Suddenly I heard somebody calling my name from behind me. I did a quick turn to see Kyana jogging towards me. In all the excitement, I had forgotten that I was sat next to her and left unannounced.

"(Y/N)! There you are!" Kyana announced as she ran up to me. She turned to look at Aang, who was still stood next to me. I watched her eyes widen in shock as her brain made the realisation. "Avatar! Forgive me for interrupting, I didn't mean to be rude!" she rushed, rapidly bowing to the young boy out of respect. Aang smiled in return.

"Kyana this is Avatar Aang. Aang, this is my best friend, Kyana," I introduced to them. Aang returned Kyana's bow.

"It's nice to meet you," the Avatar smiled.

"Likewise, it's an honour," Kyana said in return, evidently still flustered. She quickly excused herself, likely due to the nerves, and rushed off.

"Sorry about her, she's just nervous to finally meet you," I chuckled, which made Aang let out a small laugh as well.

"That's okay," he responded with a big smile. "Now that I've met your friends, why don't I introduce you to mine?" he asked. I accepted, of course, and we walked back over to where Aang's friends were. His male water tribe friend was attempting, though seemingly embarrassingly, to talk to Princess Yue, while the water tribe girl was laughing at him. Once we reached them, Aang introduced me to them.

"(Y/N), this is my friend Katara," he introduced, motioning to the girl. She gave me a smile and a wave, and I said hello back. "And this is Sokka," he said as he pointed to the boy, who had finished his conversation with Yue and was looking satisfied. He swivelled around to greet me, though when he looked at me he instead jumped out of his seat, pulling out a strange weapon from his pocket.

"You're fire nation!" he spat, holding the object in the air above his head. Immediately I knew that my amber eyes had made him suspicious, though I was surprised by his aggression.

"No, I'm water tribe, too," I asserted, looking him in the eyes. To prove my point, I turned the ice seat he was previously on into water, which I made spin around him multiple times, before I turned it to ice once more to reform the seat. Sokka's jaw dropped, and he stared at me. Katara, on the other hand, looked at me with excitement in her eyes.

"You're a waterbender!" she exclaimed with a smile. "So am I! I can't wait to start learning!" she said enthusiastically. A faked a smile, though I was conflicted deep inside. I didn't have the courage to tell her that women don't learn waterbending in the Northern Water Tribe. Luckily, before I was able to say anything, Aang cut in.

"Speaking of which, we have a teacher now!" Aang claimed. "Our first lesson is at sunrise tomorrow,". Both him and Katara were buzzing with excitement, while Sokka was stood looking miserable.

"Great, more waterbending weirdos," he complained. Aang turned to look at him.

"Sokka, you can put the boomerang down now," he said. The defeated Sokka put away what was apparently a boomerang. I assumed that was his weapon of choice as he evidently wasn't a bender. Aang then looked at me and asked "Will we be training with you tomorrow?"

"Well I usually train at sunrise with Master Pakku, so I would think so," I answered. He gave me a big grin.

"Great! We'll see you tomorrow morning, then," he said. I didn't want to appear clingy, though admittedly I could have talked to the Avatar for hours, so I excused myself. As I walked back, trying to find Kyana, I thought about the young Avatar. He seemed very nice and friendly, but I wasn't entirely convinced that somebody so young was capable of defeating the Fire Lord. Nonetheless, I was excited to practice waterbending with him in the morning. Perhaps I could even teach him a thing or two.

Word Count- 2111

(A/N: Thanks for reading the second chapter! I decided to release it the same day as the first chapter because I couldn't be bothered to wait lol. I've currently written up to chapter 6 so all those are ready to release at a moments notice. Chapter 3 will be posted tomorrow, but then after that I will start posting them less frequently . After tomorrow, my plan is to post a new chapter every 3 days. As was the case in the last chapter, please comment any feedback or questions; I'd love to hear back from you guys. Thanks again, and see you tomorrow for Chapter 3! -JetDragon09)

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