Luffy's Heartfelt Confession

Start from the beginning

Luffy: Hey, I listen to other people too, you know!

Zoro: Sure, whatever you say.

Law: Nami, can I speak with you for a moment?

Nami: I guess?

Law explains to Nami that he experiences intense panic attacks when he sees blood on his hands. He also goes into detail about how to deal with this issue, as well as what to do if it gets worse. This information should help Nami support Law and ensure that he remains in control of his emotions in crucial moments.

Law: Got that.

Nami: Yes.

Law: And one final thing, please listen carefully, okay?

Nami: Okay!

Luffy: Stop right there, Law. There's no need to tell her that. His facial expression and tone of voice indicate that he is annoyed.

Law: I have to, because that unhealthy habit is returning.

Luffy: It was never gone in the first place!!

Law: Law: I'm sorry, Luffy, but after what happened yesterday, I cannot keep this secret any longer.

Nami: Hold on, what's going on?

Luffy: You promised me that you wouldn't do this!!

By this point, Law and Luffy's heated argument has piqued the interest of the rest of the crew.

Zoro: Just go ahead and tell us, Law.

Law: Basically-

Luffy: Law dont you dare!!

Zoro: No need to worry, we'll hold him back. Feel free to continue.

The other members of the crew move over to hold Luffy, preventing him from interuptinng Law as he continues speaking.

Law: Basically, every night luffy goes to a cliff and contemplates weather to jump or not.

Strawhats: WHAT!!

Law: That's not even the worst part. He actually jumped yesterday. If it weren't for me, he would not be alive right now.

The crew releases their hold on Luffy, taken aback by Nami's bold action. She slaps Luffy on the face, to everyone's shock.

Nami: Luffy, would you mind explaining yourself?

Luffy: I dont wanna talk about it...

Nami: So when will you talk huh!?

Nami puts her hands on Luffy's shirt, gripping the collar tightly in her grasp.

Luffy: Let go, Nami. His straw hat is covering his face, obscuring his facial expression.

Nami: You're going to speak to me here and now!

Luffy: Let go nami.

Nami: No!

Straw Hats: Luffy... Nami's correct. You must talk to us about this!

Nami: Why are you acting like this? Life cannot continue like this, Luffy. You know I told you that you could count on me. Stop being so selfish, why? Because you couldn't save your brother? We too, have lost people, Luffy. The whole crew depends on you. If you die, we'll all fall apart. Even though it hurts inside, that doesn't mean you should just throw your life away. You idiot! Don't keep things from us, just tell us!

Luffy: You're right, Nami... It's a regular death. He chuckles to himself and shifts uncomfortably, not wishing to talk about this in front of everyone.

Nami: Luffy.....

Luffy: Let me tell you something, Nami. Have you ever had the experience of being alone your whole life? Your father abandoned you after your birth, and all that! Or did you know that your grandfather threw you into a jungle when you were just 4 years old so you could train? I was fucking years old, fighting for my fucking life to make sure a cobra didn't eat me! I wanted to be comforted by my mom, but I didn't even have one at that time!

Nami: Luffy....

Everyone is stunned by Luffy's outburst, unable to process what's just happening. Luffy continues, his voice choking with emotion.

Luffy: And even so, that's not all. Then, my grandfather also abandoned me, leaving me with two kids who eventually became my brothers. But once again, when I thought everything was going to be alright, one of them died right in front of my eyes! I was just five at that time. I couldn't sleep well after that. I always kept waking up and having nightmares...

By this point, Luffy is on the verge of tears, his emotions overwhelming him.Luffy's voice cracks as he recalls the past, a tear rolling down his cheek.

Luffy: And the only brother I had left also died. I had no one to comfort me... The only thing that gave me comfort was thinking about you and the rest of the crew. But that comfort didn't last long, because I kept having nightmares about him dying with blood everywhere, and if I look at my hands, the only thing I see is blood. Yet I kept smiling and protected all of you, because you are the only people I have left. Y-you wouldn't know that...

Luffy removes Nami's hands from his collar.

Nami: Luffy.....I-

Luffy wipes away his tears, trying to compose himself amid the overwhelming emotion.

Luffy: Never mind, let's just go to the Sunny.

. ・ 。 . ・ ゜ ✭ ・ . ・ ✫ ・ ・ 。 .

To be continued

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