A Fantasy within reasoning

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Late into the night where the chill air freezes your breath, a wolf awaits his love to come back to him in his warm hearth after an exhausting day.

He smokes while looking out into the quiet and lonely streets. You were late and he wondered if he should go get you. Each time he catches himself being a bit possessive over his love. The thought of you walking alone in the same streets as he worked made him paranoid over your safety. He's seen how monstrous some fables can truly be, how low they held life and he lives with stress of it all.

The fog was thick in the street making his normal view out the window a gray blur. Neon signs and street lamps try to cut through making a mix of soft colors filter into his home.

The temptation to go out to look for you just for his own sake creeped into his mind as time went on. He didn't have a lot of patience to begin with but you were kind to give him your time through things.

The cigarette in his mouth burned to the filter. He squished it into the ashtray on the windowsill. The large ashtray has turned into a claustrophobic graveyard of cigarette butts and gray ash. A place that has turned into land where he buries his worries through the minutes.

Humidity in the air was a nice enough scent, but it hindered his senses all the same. The heavy iron gates scraped through it's hinges and he looks down. You were home.

You open the door to the woodlands and enter. You can almost relax. Snoring can be heard from the concierge desk and as always you see the security guard asleep in the large leather chair. It annoyed you but you never really did anything about it. You weren't one to affect someone good or bad, it didn't feel right.

You pushed the call button for the elevator and wait. It's been. Bad. It's gotten worse. You  squeeze the edge of your coat and noticed a subtle need in your mind, a frustration that wasn't anger but bitterness. You wanted to go elsewhere.

The shutters open and a bell rang. All you could see was a small room, it was waiting for you, waiting to eat you alive.

Your muscles defied thought, skin feeling numb. You decide too...

Oneshots for the Depressed Readerजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें