A Fantasy within reasoning {Walk out}

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I think... I'm ok for now.

Entering back into the fog. Slipping through the gates without a sound. Fading within the haze. Emotion of a deep depression weaved inside making you a forgotten ghost.

You wandered the bleak city streets with freewill. To disappear is a relief. Too worthless for anyone but no want to change it. No more.

You care not for yourself anymore.

The colours in front of you blur and morph into a darker picture. An alley way between time worn buildings. You walk through thin mist expecting an ill fated encounter.


You reach the end corner to see dumpsters and old trash piles. A dead end. The decrepit building was bare inside. Thick with dust and exposed foundations. Here maybe.

The windows were bared with iron however the door was rotten. A hole in the bottom corner gnawed through. Your hands peel off layers of mdf making it big enough to fit through.

It was terribly dark but some shreds of light came through the window. You were tired for walking all this way. A hard rug became your bed for the night. This is where you will disappear to.


Bigby ran through the streets trying to search for you. He just saw you enter the woodlands, how could you have just suddenly disappeared?

His mind raced to possible options that could have happened. All leading to a bad ending. You left no traces for him to find, no hints to where you were going. His mind spun in the thick cloud that settled in the city. There has to be a way.

The streets ahead of him stood eeriely mute. He rubbed his forehead trying to think properly. That's when he realized, his panic to find you over took all logical thought all this time. He was looking for you but not searching for you.

His eyes closed and he tried the best he could to hone in on your perfume. The fog he hated now became an ally. It was the the faintest taste of aroma. Something to grab onto. Quickly he strides through streets looking for a sense of direction, turning back when it faded.

A straight line formed in his mind and Bigby was soon to follow. His mind played tricks whenever he hears someone walking thinking it's somehow you. The thoughts in his mind grew dark, distracting him from his mission. That's until he sees the alley way across the street.

The fog thinned out and he was alone in the dark corridor. He examined the sides of buildings and behind dumpsters. No one was ever here. He paced to the other side and saw the door with a large hole. He lowered himself to see through. It was dark but he could tell you were somewhere in there.


You sleep in the cold building for hours until a loud bang and wood cracking echoed the empty room. You were startled awake. The lock broke out and the door was hurriedly pushed open. You stayed in place against and facing the wall hoping whoever sees you will think you're just another homeless.

You hear ragged breathes and frantic steps towards you. You hugged yourself bracing for whatever impact that could happen. A forceful hand rolled you over and you cover your head.

Your body was moved into someone and the smell told you who it was. Your whole body was embraced and his hand pushed your head into his heaving chest. Bigby came to find you.

You felt guilty for being so easily found. You try to push away slightly but he hugs you tighter into him. This isn't want you want. You wanted to be far away and alone and it felt uncomfortable.

You feel him slowly release you and you let your head hang, not wanting to see his face. He calls out to you but it sounded like noise. His head rests on yours. It felt heavy against you.

"Let's go home", he whispered. You slightly shook your head. Bigby's jaw clenched. How can he convince you? He stayed silent trying to think of something.

You gave back his hands and laid back down away from him. This was you telling him that youve separated from him. He can't be with you. He can't.

Bigby was shocked. Angry and desperate. Where his words failed him, his body followed. He laid on top of you, Resting his head in your hair. All he could do is hold you tightly. Exerting whatever love he has into you.

You feel a drop on your temple. 'He can't be-' you thought. "I will never leave you alone, and I know you hate it". You curled in more and he brings both of you sitting up. You push him back. This was your last chance. He reached towards you out of concern but you hit it away. He called out your name in a confused tone. "Leave me", you said.

"No", Bigby was starting to become annoyed. He knows it's not your fault but it was hard. He sat, staring at you, waiting for your next move. You swung your arm at him and he was quick to grab it. "Let me go!" Your shout was sincere and it stung his heart.

You were quick to kick him but he soon stood up against your last attempts to push him away. He yanked your arm too the side and grabbed your jaw with his other hand. You refused to look at him as your face was brought up. His head delve and kissed you.

You were startled and fought against him. But his strong hand held you still and kissed you again. Slowly your body fell slumped. You've lost any will to do, anything. "Come" he whispers. You do nothing as he picks you up on his back.


The walk back to the woodlands was quiet, other than the occasional car rolling through. You felt numb towards everything. Nothing would have changed if you left, you didn't provide anything tangible to him other than doing his paper work. Why would he go out of way for a freeloader.

Your situation wasn't logical, it wasn't right. You were stuck living.

You didn't realize when you were already in the elevator. You clambered down from his back and followed him to your shared apartment. There was no want or need to be found so you stood in place. Bigby looks at your features in the light for the first time. Your eyes didn't hold themselves up, dark circles around your eyes, your nose cold as ice, checks were starting to hollow slightly. You haven't been eating like you said you were.

He hugs you with relief that you're now back home. "Don't leave me, not yet" he hushed. You feel tears falling from your face from conflicted emotions. He let's go and holds your face with both hands and kisses your forehead.

He was soaking in the feeling of you, the warmth, your smell. His heart was finally able to rest and be at peace. His hands moved down your arms to your hands and led you to the bedroom.

Even though it was just mattress on the floor he made it more of a bed since your arrival. He brought you to lay down and took your shoes off. Once he was ready, he joined you, sleeping soon after with you in his embrace.

It felt like an hour went by as you stayed awake. Every movement you made, caused his grip to tighten around you. You couldn't tell if he was sleeping or not with how quick he does it. You lie there awake, tears falling to the side of your face thinking what you could have done to be better. You feel Bigby stir and kiss the corner of your eye, his other hand wiping away tears.

Your eyes close, your body falls into the void.

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