The baited attack didn't work so now Azula must remain on the defensive and wait for an opening.

Angara's attacks were relentless with her strategy clearly being to overwhelm Azula, her offense simultaneously being her defense, thankfully for Azula Angara's movements were slowed down by both the weight of her armor and the high gravity. She couldn't use her firebending at this range as the narrow train cart gave her very little room to bend without the risk of burning herself.

The only obvious weak point was her head so Azula focused on sending a jab or punch to it any chance she got with the Ke'Kuvon woman taking each shot like it was nothing.

Azula went for another jab to her jaw but Angara caught her by the wrist and pulled her in to deliver a devastating headbutt, her thorny head spikes digging into the princess's forehead. Heavily dazed from the attack, Azula was wide open for another that Angara greedily took by hammering her head two more times into Azula's but in the process put herself in a similar daze.

The two stumbled away from each other, Angara bracing herself against a pole trying to regain her senses while Azula was in a worse state sprawled out on the ground, forehead bleeding. She was on the edge of consciousness, the world spinning around her, ears ringing and nausea setting in but she refused to go down. She would not allow herself to be defeated in such a manner and she slowly pushed herself up and saw Angara attempting to reorient herself.

She forced herself up and shot two more fireballs at her, one dispersing on her chest plate and the other hitting the edge of her armored skirt burning through the fabric of her side, Angara cried out holding her side leaving her open to a flying knee that collided with the side of her face sending her sprawling to the floor on her stomach.

Azula wasted no time wrapping an arm around her neck putting her in a choke hold. Angara struggled against her grip but her position didn't allow for much flexibility. With her opposing hand Azula summoned a plume of fire with Angara grabbing hold of her wrists before the flame could be jammed into her face.

"You know, my brother has this awful burn in the side of his face!" She attempted to inch the flame closer to Angara's right eye, "I loved to make fun of it and watch him get angry knowing he couldn't do anything about it! But I haven't seen him in a long time and I'm growing a little homesick!" Angara struggled to keep the fire away, its light blinding, "Why don't I make you my new Zuzu?!"

Angara couldn't keep this up forever so she reached for her jetpack controls on her hip activating the thrusters and propelling them both into the roof of the compartment, Azula taking the brunt of the blow and broke the hold she had over her.

Angara summoned the blade from her gauntlet and swung backwards landing a deep cut just under the princess's eye. Angara swung the blade savagely roaring out with fury trying to slice up the princess. Azula caught her arm, stopping her assault until the huntress grabbed the back of Azula's head and attempted to pull her neck onto the edge of her blade.

"Still think you got the upper hand here, princess?" She let a feral smile creep up on her face.

With the blade inching closer and closer to her throat Azula found it difficult to breathe. With one last deep breath Azula shot a small burst of fire singing the Ke'Kuvon's scarlet bangs with Azula kicking her away.

The two glared daggers at each other and were about to lung until one of the doors slid open pausing their battle momentarily as an elderly alien slug woman pushed a cart of refreshments down the aisle. She was so old that she didn't seem to notice the carnage of battle on the two passengers.

Not wanting the old woman to get involved in their fight the two girls shifted out of their fighting stances and pretended to be passengers enjoying the ride while using this time to regain their strength.

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