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Livs pov.

The drive back was awkward, Topper kept joking about Rafe getting action, not knowing it was his own sister getting it no body else.
"Was it the brunette?" Topper wouldn't leave it and that's when Rafe groaned in annoyance.
"No- for the last time I'm not telling you shit" we pulled up outside, we'd already dropped Kelce off and Rafe was staying with us tonight.
"Fine- was she at least hot?" Topper laughed when he jumped out the car.
"Oh yeah she was beautiful" Rafe smirked slightly as he locked the car door.

He glanced towards me for a split second and I couldn't help but smile.
"Dads home so make sure you guys are quiet" I told them before unlocking the door.
Soon enough everyone was in bed.
I heard my door open and as expected it was Rafe.
"What are you doing in here? Wheres Topper?" I hold the covers up to my chest, covering my vest top that I had on. No idea why? Maybe a reflex.

"He's asleep plus I'm staying in the guest bedroom" he shut my door then came over and practically jumped into my bed.
"Rafe-" I laugh a little as he nudged my neck with his nose, arms wrapped around my waist as he made me lay down.
"Shush just a couple hours I'll leave before Top wakes up" I feel his body go limp next to mine as he snuggled into me.
"You think your dad will leave soon?" He asked gently, his voice nothing but a whisper.

"I don't know- he's never been back this long on his own before" what business deal could be this important for him to actually stick around.
"Do you want it to last?- him staying I mean" he cleared his throat, arms tightening round me as he spoke.
"I dunno- for Topper yes but he's never liked me so I guess it doesn't really matter either way" I chuckle slightly and that's when Rafe kisses the back of my head.

"How could he not like you? What's there not to like?" Rafe's voice was soft and it made me smile just hearing it. I liked when he was like this- it made me forget the bad sides of him.
The side that murders, beats and threatens people into submission.
"I dunno you didn't like me that long go- you tell me" sighing slightly I feel him tense at my words, I was only joking. We both disliked each other, said stuff that wasn't nice, did stuff even worse but that was just a mere memory.

"I didn't know you well enough to not like you- I was stupid and your dad clearly is too" my eyes flutter as he draws patterns on my arm making me tired.
"I think he knows who I am and he hates me for it" I stare off toward my window as I say it, looking at the moonlight drift through the curtains.
That's when Rafe turned me towards him "and who are you?" His brows scrunched up in confusion.
"I'm him" my hand brushes his hair out of his face.

"I don't think you know how fucking amazing you are. He clearly doesn't" he did the same, his soft finger tips pushing my hair from my face.
I knew Rafe wouldn't get what I just said- it was deeper than it looked.
"He likes Topper- he's more gentle, social and less of a pain" I suck on my front teeth and I see confusion flash across Rafe's features.
"And you're a pain?" He almost teased, to him or anyone else on the outside I wouldn't be.

- me being 'difficult' that one time when I was seventeen wasn't the last time.
Things got worse- I got worse.
My father was there to see it maybe that's why he hasn't stuck around this long at home since then.
"No- I guess I'm not" I didn't feel like explaining it, I wasn't ready to tell Rafe what really happened the night my mother caught us or what happened after. He wouldn't understand, no one ever did that's why I didn't tell anybody.
Maybe one day I'll feel like I can tell him but right now wasn't one of them.

"At least we have that in common" Rafe led his head on my chest, listening to the way I was breathing.
"And what is that?" I swallow a little, looking up at the dark ceiling.
"Both our Dads dislike us- I'm pretty sure mine hates me but I can settle for 'dislike' to make us look more compatible" he joked a little but I could hear in his voice it effected him.
Shit like that does fuck up people. I should know.

"He's an asshole Rafe. A user- he used you and now Jace is back he's using him too. Trust me you dodged a bullet being his right hand man" I closed my eyes as I spoke and I hear him hum in response, clearly falling asleep.

A few hours later and I finally started to stir awake, the sun fully shining through my curtains now.
I cough as I sit up noticing Rafe was gone- I forgot he must've gone back to his room late last night before Topper woke up.
I slip my slippers on and walk downstairs where I'm greeted by Rafe, Top and my father.

Top and Rafe were eating cereal in silence.
My father reading a paper as he sat at the table looking out to see the sprinklers are still on.
"Morning" I whispered and that's when my father finally noticed I'd woken up.
"Finally- need you to do a few jobs for me Olivia" he always called me by my full name, well most of the time- very rarely did he call me Liv or Livy.
Another way to try disconnect from me.

"I was actually going to see-" before I could finish my father interrupts me "well I need some things done and it's important so whoever your seeing can wait a day" he tilted his head in importance and my fist clamps shut.
"Why do you speak to me like I'm your servant and not your daughter?" I didn't know why I said it out loud- in front of Topper and Rafe.

I normally bite my tongue but I guess I woke up with less patience this morning.
"Watch your mouth- it's not my fault you're more reliable than your brother" he pointed to Topper who sat there looking from me to dad.
Of course he wouldn't offer or say anything. I think he might've been scared.
Scared if he said something that he'd be treated like me.

"Fine- whatever" my jaw clenched as I turn getting some yogurt out the fridge.
Ignoring my clear attitude against the idea of running around after him, he continues "I need you to pick up a package for me. Across the water, I'll give you the order number and that" he waved his hand dismissively as he went back to reading his paper.
Fucking asshole.

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