Onto you

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Rafe Cameron's POV

That same night:Saturday.
"I can't be bothered bro- my head is pounding and I just had to watch a concert I'd rather rest my head now" Topper was complaining as he usually did. Like a spoilt brat.
"Nah trust me you'll want to come in here" Kelce smirked as we got in line for the club.
"No- lets book a hotel please then go tomorrow night" Topper practically begged and as it was his birthday Kelce gave in.
So we booked a hotel.

The next day we got up and had breakfast to try cure Toppers' hangover hangover. I never remember feeling this ill after a party at his age.

Olivia's POV
I stayed at my place after work which I always did and it was almost weird. I normally stay the night then get up and get the earliest ferry home but I was meant to be escorting that guy this evening.
So what do I even do until then?
I decided to watch some films and bath, a little self love because if I didn't treat myself at this point I'd probably explode.
Life was so overwhelming at times.

During the evening I escorted the guy I was meant to, some event that I'd rather not go to but good money. It was taking longer then I expected. He took me to so fancy restaurant then a club.
It got late pretty quickly so i decided to get the last ferry back. I couldn't stay in the city any longer.

Rafe Cameron's POV

We got kicked out of the hotel the next day sometime after 4, apparently Kelce trashed the room and he'd have to pay for it.
The staff weren't best pleased.
"I'm not going to a club like this" Topper yet again complained as he put some sun glasses on, something about the light hurting his eyes.

"No we are" Kelce insisted to the point that Topper couldn't back out. So that's what we did.
A few hours went by and Topper was already smashed talking up some ginger girl.
Kelce was doing shots with some guys who were at the bar for a hen do.
As for me I was sat there watching, ordering myself a drink whenever the bar maid was free.

"Last ferry out of here is at 11:15 guys" I reminded them as I felt my eyes buzz slightly.
That's how I knew I'd drank to much, to much to be fully aware. I wasn't aloud to get this drunk on this side of the island. It wasn't exactly safe for someone like me.
After a while we started to make our way to the dock, all of us lightly unsteady and the buzz in my eyes more strong.

Topper and Kelce got on the boat first, I waited by the side lighting up a cigarette. It was nice view from the dock. You could see the lights on the other side of the island. It was beautiful. Calm almost.
I put my cigarette out before flicking it into the sea and stepping onto the boat.
It would only take 20 minutes at most to get to the other side.

Topper and Kelce found there way into the bar that was normally shut at this time.
I however made my way to the top of the boat, following a girl in a blue dress.
She had long hair that was draped down her back, she was holding her heels in her hands as she hot footed it round a corner losing me.
I could've sworn she was familiar. I continued to make my way to the top.

The view was always the best from the top especially at night. I got to the railing looking down to see the second deck seeing the girl.
Standing directly underneath me looking out just like me. I narrowed my eyes trying to stop the fuzzy feeling behind them.
Trying to focus more but I couldn't.
That's when she turned around and my brows raise slightly. Was it liv?

She looked like her but honestly my vision was blurring and the girl had blonde hair like Liv. Maybe I was wrong but my gut was telling me otherwise.
I needed to get closer, I started walking as fast as I could trying to get to the second deck to see the girl. The girl in the blue dress.

Finally pushing the doors open to be met with an empty deck as the boat started to dock.
I shrug in annoyance, I needed to find topper and Kelce. Make sure they get off safety before chasing a random blonde girl with a resemblance to Liv.

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