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Liv's PoV.

Mid- summer was basically a big show. All the girls wore vibrant colours and all of them had flowers either on their dress or in their hair. As for the boys, they either wear a black suit or a colourful suit. No In between.
I had nothing for mid summer so I went shopping when I was in Chaslton yesterday.
It was hard to focus on getting a stupid dress when all I could think about was Rafe knowing why I need money.

I was lucky he didn't find out about my other job.
I needed to keep it that way.
He couldn't find out.
So when mid- summer rolled around, me and Top went representing our family.
Top was wearing a blue suit. One he actually could pull off unlike some of the other guys who were wearing crazy colours like yellow and green.

Top soon left me by the drinks table, something about talking to Kelce.
That's when I see Rafe. Of course he was wearing a black suit.
"Dressed up for a funeral?" I tilt my head as he walked over, his walk confident and assured.
"Nice dress for someone who wasn't prepared" his eyes looked me up and down slowly. To slowly.
"I'm full of surprises" I squint my eyes sarcastically, not feeling like talking to much.

I sip my champagne. My second glass within a minute.
"Don't I know it" he leaned down whispering in my ear before drawing back with a glass of champagne also In his hand.
"What do you want? Aren't you meant to be hanging out with people way to young for you- or really old business men?" I sucked on my teeth turning round to get my third glass.
I hated these showing off advents.

I didn't like any of these people. How could I?
I didn't know them.
We only got together because we all had money.
"Funny real funny actually" his eyes never left my face even when I refused to meet his gaze.
My face almost burnt from his stare.
"No witty comeback? Your going soft" I roll my eyes slightly. Watching people dance with each other, looking really happy.
"Soft? With you? Now that's the real joke" his smirk grew slightly when he saw me turn to him finally looking him In the face.

My expression stunned and embarrassed.
"Piss off" I scoff going to walk away but he quickly puts one hand round my waist steering me to the dance floor as he grabs hold of me and makes me dance with him.
"Rafe- stop" I was about to lose my shit at this point, one of his hands groped my waist and The other forced my hand into his as he made us sway to the music.

"You realise there's people around?" I Seethed through my teeth as he pulled me closer.
"Baby are you embarrassed of me?" He whispers into my ear and my skin gets goosebumps.
"I'm not your baby" my eyes glare at him as he pulled away slightly so he could look at my face again as he spun me round.
"Tops watching- how about we go over there and tell him that we're his new parents now" he joked and I finally snap.
My hand squeezing his so tight that he groans a little.

"Your insane- fucking deluded" when the music finally dies down and I think this nightmare is over, I let go of him and that's when his hand that was on my waist slips down and grabs my ass.
My eyes shoot out of my head as I punch his chest making him cough a little, a small smile on his face.
"I don't owe you anything. If you think that I do think again. I don't care if I have to go out with 30 old men to get money I will if that means not
'owing ' you" my eyes bored into his as he laughs at me.

"We know that's not why I danced with you. I always dance with a pretty girl on mid-summers. You know this considering you watch me every fucking year" he leans down getting in my face.
That's when Topper comes over, his face flushed with annoyance "alright the dares been done let's go" his sour voice caught my attention.
"You got dared to dance with me? How old are you?" I was about to blow my stack, I'd had enough of his games.

Enough of feeling like his little play thing. That he can use and abuse whenever he feels like it.
"Dared to flirt with you- trust me not my idea" Topper filled in the blanks and my jaw clenched.
"God will you ever grow the fuck up?" My eyes squint at Rafe as I  budge past him.
Making my shoulder hit his as I did so.
I needed some where quiet to go, unfortunately for me. I'd walked into the house, the part of the house that was 'out of limits' to guests.
But I just needed a second to calm myself.

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