Home turf

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Olivia's POV
I got a taxi home from the dock, I was practically the first off the boat. I just wanted to go home.
I was home within 5 minutes which was helpful because Topper then rocked up a few minutes later.
I opened the door to him clearly drunk and Rafe holding him up to make sure Top didn't fall.

I rolled my eyes in annoyance. He's 16. He shouldn't be this drunk. He could barely stand.
Rafe helped him in and upstairs knowing I wouldn't be able to pull him up there myself.
He came back down and I noticed how much more sober he looked compared to my brother.
"Have fun?" I looked him up and down slightly taking in his appearance. He was wearing a suit. Who wears a suit. It was a causal black suit but he didn't look like he was at the same venue or gathering as my brother who was in jeans and a top.

"What'd you do tonight?" Rafe followed me as I walked into the kitchen, why was he asking me this? I'd obviously been here the whole night as far as he knows, it made the hairs on my arms stand up. Did he know something I didn't? Did he see me at the restaurant or club? I didn't know what the boys did after seeing there concert.

"I stayed here cleaned the house a bit and had an early one. And you?" I raised my brows in question as I rounded the island table to get to the fridge and get a carrot.
He watched attentively as I washed the carrot and peeled it. I swallowed the nervous lump that had formed, why wasn't he answering my question and why was he even still here?
"Are you going to answer me or just stare?" I looked up at him noticing his expression darkening.

A small smirk pulled at his lips "what?" I shrugged as I narrowed my eyes at the boy. I didn't trust him one bit.
"Topper said that he saw you on the ferry back. So I want to know why you just stood here and lied to me Olivia?" His eyes locked onto mine and my jaw clenched as he smirked subtly.
"He must've forgotten to wear his contacts I've been here the whole time" I bite a chunk out my carrot as I round the island again.

I try to walk past him but he blocked my path abruptly.
"I know you Olivia. I've known you since birth. I know your lying to me. About being on that boat, about the money and why you go to the other side of the water." His finger grazed my jawline to try provoke me.
That's the cons of your parents being friends with his since before you were born. I've practically had to grow up with the Cameron's.

It's only been the last couple of years that I'd distanced myself from them. Probably from the age of thirteen. That's when mom and Dad first started leaving me to look after Topper overnight. Topper was seven. It would only be a night or two nothing more but as I got older it got longer. More nights, more days.
Me and Rafe were never close. Not really. We didn't have play dates or anything like that.

But we'd have to engage when we had 'family' meals or summer parties. We didn't even go to the same school.
I slapped his hand away from my face harshly "I'm not going to justify myself to you of all people. I don't have to tell you anything. But just to clarify. I was here the whole day and night" I glared up at him as he chuckled softly, one of his hands was rested on the island counter as he relaxed his shoulders more.

"I'm going to find out what your hiding Olivia" he told me almost certain he was truthful in what he was saying.
If I lay low he wouldn't be able to find anything on me. "The most interesting thing you'll find is the fact I haven't cleaned the shoe cupboard in over a year" I rolled my eyes as I pushed past him making sure my shoulder nudged his.
I turned back to look at him before I made my way to bed.
"You can let yourself out. You know where the door is" I then turned making my way to bed.

"It's funny-" I stopped in my tracks as Rafe went on. His tone was one I knew well. He was ready to bring up shit I didn't want to talk about.
"Leave Rafe" I told him firmly as I turned facing him, my gaze hardening as I looked at him.
"Acting like we are merrily neighbours- have other neighbours had there hands on you where my hands have been?" He smirked as he stood his ground.

My jaw clenched "that was-" I stepped towards him as I was about to shut him down but he interrupted me almost immediately.
"Because if I can remember things correctly- I had my hands all over you. I was so close to fucking that pretentious attitude out of you- I slipped my hand up your dress, you-" he faked a 'thinking' look and I saw red, I rushed over my hand raised as I was about to slap him but he caught it.

"If you think I won't recognise you on a boat when I've seen you- felt you. Your kidding yourself" his grip tightens on my wrist as he pulls me closer.
"To bad we were interrupted" his free hand grasped the back of my head and neck forcing me to look at him.
That's when I spat at him making him let go of me.

"Get out" my heart was racing, I felt like I'd just jumped out of a plane on ecstasy.
"Don't act like you don't remember- after all you came onto me" his smirk grew more, he liked torturing me.
"Get out" I swallowed harshly as I stood there frozen in place.
"Until next time" he scoffed exiting through the kitchen doors into the garden.
I quickly locked the doors behind him, I closed my eyes trying to calm myself.

I tried to forget my past. I did my best to avoid it. Me and Rafe hadn't spoke about that night. After all this time I was hoping we wouldn't. But he's obsessed with the idea of catching me out. He saw the money and he won't stop until he finds out why I have it, how and what he's gunna do about it.

When I was 17 I quit ice skating for good and honestly it broke me. It was the only thing I was good at, the only place I felt good. The only place I talked to people without feeling like an out cast. But I had to quit. I was so angry and I just started doing what I wanted. I thought that If I did that then our parents would have to come back and look after Topper.

But that didn't happen. I found myself at parties to often. I left Topper with Rose who after a while realised I was just dumping him to go get drunk or high.
I was at a party- drunk and I came onto Rafe. In that moment I didn't care who he was I just wanted to go against everything that my parents wanted for me. I didn't care why he was there all I knew was that I wanted his hands on me. Every time he touched me I felt like I was directly punching my parents in the face.

They wanted me to marry. Wait until marriage they'd say. Oh get married have beautiful babies. Don't have one out of wedlock! Don't sleep about. That's not lady like.
So I did just that, his hands were all over me within minutes.
We found ourselves upstairs in a bedroom and- one thing led to another.

Half of it I can't even remember. He was drunk too that or high. Rose called my parents, I didn't realise they were on there way home already so by the time Rose spoke to them they were in obx. She helped them track me down and then my mother stormed the place.
I just remember her opening that door- if I was sober I would've been more embarrassed but I didn't care.

Ever since then I avoided Rafe like the Black Death. But there's only so much you can do. He lived next door, he befriends Topper. He babysat Topper-
So I could go food shopping or school shopping for Topper. So I couldn't just get rid of him.
He was everywhere. I never spoke to him about it or mentioned it. I wanted it to be erased.
But seeing Rafe made my skin crawl every time- after a while that feeling weakened because he didn't want to talk about what happened either.

I didn't know if my mom told Ward or Rose about what she saw. I always hoped not but I could never be sure.
But now- he's trying to get under my skin. Normally he'd come over see Topper, insult or tease me and leave.
But never about what happened that night. Topper doesn't know about it. He was protected from that piece of information. I thought that was the reason why Rafe never mentioned it.

But now I can't even guarantee that he won't speak about it in front of Topper or in a way where my brother could find out.
I needed something I could use against Rafe to make him shut up.
I just need to think what I could use.

We didn't sleep together but we were close to it. I was sure now that I think of it more that I was half naked. I can still feel his lips on my skin. It made me shiver as I calm my breathing more. I needed to make sure he didn't tell Topper.

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