Accept it

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"Rafe Mother fucking Cameron" Kelce whistled as I walked into the club an hour late.
He was taking the piss out of me like he always did. "Yeah whatever" I sat down at the table, Topper looked terrible.
"Rough night huh?" I chuckled as I salted my chips that Kelce had ordered for himself.
"Birthday hangover" Topper coughed a little as he kept his head down like he was some sort of criminal.

"So this band your seeing when you seeing em?" Kelce took back his bowl of chips before glaring at me.
"Today" Topper whispered, his voice almost sounding drained of life.
"Should be good right?" I joked as I gestured to the lifeless body that was Topper.
"Yeah I'll meet you after? I got a good club we can go to" Kelce raised his brows as a small smirk appears on his face.

"Your under age. Both of you" I scoffed, there is no way in hell that they'd get let in.
"Fake id's. Happy birthday my man" Kelce slammed down Toppers fake ID that he'd had made as a birthday present.
"Shush- to loud" Topper hissed like a cat in an ally fighting for scraps.
"Alright alright- but if you guys get caught" I put my arms up in surrender, no way in hell was I going down for knowing minors were sneaking in.

I grew up with these boys. I was practically there baby sitter most of the time but after a while we actually became friends and now we're basically family. They know pretty much everything they need to know about me. Of course I have secrets but everyone does and I wouldn't get them mixed up in my shit.

I didn't want them to get caught or arrested, I wouldn't want that for them. I know what it's like to be the family disappointment I wouldn't wish it on someone else by getting them into trouble. That's why the whole 'fake ID'S' wasn't my favourite plan of ours. These boys barely look 12 let alone 21.

I'm already in the shit with my Dad. Another charge or arrest would send him over the edge.
I can't get caught sneaking minors into a club.
"Rafe!" I turned seeing Olivia storming towards our table, she looked good considering how much she drank last night.
"What do I owe the pleasure?" I bite the side of my cheek as I speak, Topper had practically fell asleep , he didn't even realise his sister was here.
"I want to talk to you" she whispered harshly as people started to stare.

"Ok? Well I'm busy" I gesture to my guests and I could've sworn I saw her eye visible twitch. (Again)
"Get up" her jaw clenched as if she was talking to a child.
"I'm busy" I told her again, same calm dull tone to match my expression.
"Alright fine I guess the police can help me then?" She shrugged causally and I hear Kelce chuckle underneath his breath.

"Danm Olivia your looking more fine then ever" Kelce looked her up and down with a flirty smile.
That's when Olivia leaned forward, her hand on the table "Kelce your 17 years old and even if you were taller or bigger it will never happen"
Kelce was older then Topper which Topper hated but it was only by a year so he got over it.
I snigger slightly as she merrily ignored Kelce's advances towards her.

she looked him up and down as she said the word 'bigger' and I finally lost it letting out a laugh.

"Why you got to break my heart like that" Kelce tried to cover up the fact that he was embarrassed by Olivia's response by acting all funny and flirty yet again. Faking a distressed look like he was having a heart attack.
"Me break your heart? No. Never. But all that shit you got up your nose might?" Her eyes travelled down to the small powder residue just below his nose.

He quickly wiped it before his eyes flashed back up to hers with a glare.
"Now. Where were we? Rafe get up now" she stood back up straight and I shrugged.
"What will you give me if I do?" I looked up through my eyebrows as I sat back.
"Hmm? Maybe not a felony charge?" She tilted her head as if she was thinking.

"Ughhh" Top has finally resurrected from his coma realising his sister was here.
"Shit" he grumbled as she turned her attention to him.
"Alright fine" I got up distracting Olivia so Topper could wipe his nose if he had to or just simply get away.
I pulled on her arm gently leading her out of the club to the golf courses. That weren't to busy.
"What the hell did you do?" That's when she shoved her phone in my face.

"I'm sorry what am I looking at?" I knew exactly what I was looking at. An article that was written on a fire at a car shop.
"You set that guys shop on fire? Trashed the place?!" She shook her head in disbelief earning a scoff from me.
"That wasn't me" I rolled my shoulders as I looked at some of the golfers golfing to the side of us.

"Oh really? Then whys this written on his van outside?" She showed me a photo from the scene, Rowan's Second vehicle was intact all except the graffiti on the side of it.
The word 'creep' was written in big red letters. The other side 'guilty'
I shrug as a small chuckle escaped my lips.
"Looks like someone felt the same way you did" I looked at the article some more. Not a bad job- I was half proud of myself.

"And this?" She swiped to the next photo of the shop that was burnt down to ash. He'd have to build a whole new shop.
"Oh don't forget this" she then showed me more of the graffiti that was written on the pavement next to his van. The word 'pervert'
In big capital letters, red paint. Guilty.

"Ok? What am I looking at? You think that was me? Please. I don't do shit like that. Not unless I want to be broke and behind bars" I knew that the obvious answer would be me but I couldn't help but be a little annoyed. Well that's a lie. I didn't know wether to be annoyed or proud that she assumed it was my handy work. Don't get me wrong it was me. Of course it was me. But I wouldn't admit a danm thing.

"Then who was it? One of your buddies? I don't want this coming back to me" I could see that she was hiding something. With that money in her purse, how she sneaked around. Where was Olivia when she wasn't with Topper. Who was she when she wasn't with Topper?
"Well was it you?" I asked casually as my arms folded.

"Of course not" she scoffed at me like I was stupid.
"Then don't worry about it" I shrugged my shoulders not seeing why she was so worried.
"Except it! It was you!" Her brows scrunched together as she grew more agitated.
"It won't come back to you because I didn't do it , neither did my 'buddies' I'm not behind that so I'm not excepting nothing" I rolled my eyes pushing past her to go back to my table.

"Asshole" I heard her yell at me as I walked off ignoring her best I could.

Olivia's POV

The whole car shop that Rowan owned was wrecked, I drove past it on my way back from the club. I wanted to see the damage in person.
It was bad- more then bad. Not fixable.
He'd have to build a whole new building and clear all this out.
How could Rafe do this? What was he thinking? It's like he knew he wasn't going to get caught but how?

I drove home fast I had to pack my stuff for work, if I didn't hurry I'd miss the last ferry out of here.
Then I'd catch the next ferry in the morning like I do every weekend. I rent a flat over where I work, it's not the Best But most definitely not the worse.

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