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Liv's POV

Tuesday rolled round quicker then expected. All the kids were still off for the summer and causing havoc.
Parties every week and the amount of beer bottles left on the beach was stupid.
Although I was quite lucky, Topper had offered to take me out for lunch at the club.
That's what I liked about our relationship, we liked hanging out with each other. Sure I could be a little to motherly with Top but he knows I love him.

"What are you ordering?" Topper looked at the menu before glancing up at me.
"I'm not sure-" I scan the menu not knowing if I should get the breakfast or something a little bit more filling.
A few minutes pass and we get our orders in.
"Shit look there's Rafe-" Topper laughed pointing to the bar that was to the side of me.
Turning I see him leaning over the counter flirting with some red head.

My jaw tightens- I didn't know why I believed him when he said he couldn't get with other women since me.
Maybe delusion?
"Flirting with Kira again. He's been flirting with her since she started a few months ago. She still won't pay him attention. It's like an inside joke between them now" Topper chuckles as Kira patted Rafe's head like a dog before walking off to serve other customers.

That's when Rafe felt eyes on him I suppose.
His head turns meeting my gaze and I freeze, nearly choking on my own spit.
I slowly turn back round as I notice him walking over here.
"Hey man- still trying get in Kira's pants?" Topper almost giggled like a girl.
I scowl at the use of his words, acting as if that girl was just a body.

"Yeah think I'm getting close. I think she's into me. What do you think Liv? Your a girl. Was she into me?" Rafe smirks down at me, he knew what he was doing.
"I am a girl well done for noticing" I cough dis-interested in the conversation.
"So? Should I keep trying?" I could see that he wanted me to say no. Prove to him that this bothers me.
"Yes. If you think she's into you then ask her out" my throat dried up as I said it.
I quickly take a sip from my drink, feeling myself grow insanely envious.

Which was wrong. I shouldn't be jealous because Rafe the murderer is trying to get with some girl.
"Alright then. Maybe we can join you- she gets off her shift in a second" before I could object Rafe was off to go find her. Great.
"If you want I can tell him to piss off-" Topper noticed my expression and I smiled.
Shaking my head, if I got Topper to tell Rafe to fuck off he'd think I was jealous. That I couldn't handle him being with other people.

Well I could and I was about to prove it.

Rafe Cameron's POV

"Then ask her out" what the hell was she playing at. I was getting sick of her 'I don't give a fuck attitude'
Let's see how much she doesn't care when I'm flirting in front of her.
I knew Kira wouldn't go out with me- we were friends.
We teased each other but no longer was there any attraction or desire to sleep with each other.
She never liked me and I never actually liked her, I just wanted a pretty girl to sleep with.

Since then she's rejected me more time then I could count and somehow we made a friendship out of it.
Like a big inside joke.
"Kira can you do me a favour please" I tilt my head to side hoping that she'd see the desperation in my eyes.
"What is it?" She raises her brows in annoyance, she loved me really.
"See that girl over there with her brother- table five. I told them that you want me and that I want you- that when your finished here you'll sit with us over there" ask I said it she cringed, not liking that sentence at all.

"Why the hell would you do that?" She couldn't believe what I was saying. She looked like she was about to beat my ass.
"I'm trying to make the blonde jealous. Please play along. Please" I fake a pout and she rolls her eyes, before thinking.
"You gotta pay me 60 dollars. My time isn't cheap" she crossed her arms putting her hand out.
"That is actually quite cheap-" I couldn't help but mock her and she hits my shoulder.

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