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Liv's POV

The next day would probably be rough for Rafe. But I couldn't stick around to find out, my parents had done the thing that I expected from them most.
They were leaving first thing tomorrow after church.
So I had to do house work make sure everything was in order before they left.
I was taking out the rubbish when I heard a snapping sound, it was Jace.
Hiding behind our tree like bushes, my skin instantly crawls with goosebumps.

"What the hell do you want? You know my parents are inside and if I do much as scream they'll come out here and find you" I warn him as he came closer, he didn't look like he was here to threaten me but I wasn't sure. I didn't know him.
"I'm not here to hurt you- I came here to apologise" he scratched the back of his neck and I narrow my eyes at him suspiciously.
"Risky? Your Dad could turn up any second or my mom could see you- tell your Dad" I wanted to know The real reason of why he'd risk his Dad seeing him on this side of the island just to 'apologise'

"I spoke to him- but that's a different issue. I want you to know that I'm sorry. I put you in a shitty and dangerous situation with Rafe. Asking you to spy on him wasn't safe and I'm sorry" he put his hands together almost begging me to forgive him.
"You black mailed me!" I hiss like a venomous snake ready to lunge any minute. He was so full of shit.
"I needed that money from Rafe. He stole from me and I was blinded by hatred and greed. So I put you in that position. I'm sorry" he breathed slowly, his whole demeanour different from the rest of the times I've met him.

"Why would Rafe steal from you?" I squinted at the man in annoyance, none of this made sense.
"Because he's jealous. He's always wanted what's mine. Everything that's been passed down to him was mine first and now I've spoke to my Dad it's mine again. He doesn't like that" it all makes sense now.
Why Rafe was so upset. Ward promised Rafe would run the business, that he'd coach him into it.

Even if they weren't speaking that was Rafe's role after Jace fucked off . Now Jace 'the golden boy' has swooped back in to claim what use to be his until he gave it up for a different life.
But he back now. He's taken what was Rafe's.
That must of been what Rafe and Ward had an argument about.
"Maybe you should let him have something of his own instead of taking what is his" I fold my arms over my chest and he laughs.

"It was never his. Plus he has his things. Like the illegal club he owns and don't forget the betting" raising his brows all knowingly. Slimy fuck.
"Correction. It was yours until you gave it up to- what do you actually do except talk about Rafe and threaten him?" Tilting my head in curiosity, I see his shoulders roll back tightly.
I'd hit a nerve. Oops.
"I wanted freedom. I got it but I miss my family. You must know what that's like" he pointed to the house, I see suitcases by the front door, ready to be put in the car for tomorrow morning.

"You don't know me or my family. I am nothing like you!" How dare he just come here talk shit and then Assume that we're alike. We aren't.
"Alright- I didn't mean to offend you" he backs off a little trying to calm the situation down.
"You didn't. It would take a lot more than that to offend me" I scrunched my face up in pettiness, making sure he caught it.
"How can I make it up to you? Please." He bites on his cheek, his hands still clasping together like he's begging.

"I don't want anything from you" I look him up and down in disgust before turning away from him.
He grabs my arm gently and I rip it out of his grasp.
Now that offends me.
"Please- let me take you out. You'll have fun. See the real me. Please I want to make it up to you. Maybe even be friends" his eyes were wide as he stepped back not wanting to frighten me.
"I-" before I could object he spoke again.

"Let me take you out bowling. As friends- of course. Tomorrow night. Please." He swallows a little waiting for my rejection.
"Will you leave me alone if I agree?" I quickly spoke, wanting to leave this situation, my mom was calling my name.
"Yes- please you won't regret it. Tomorrow at 6?" He nods his head waiting yet again for me.

"I can't do tomorrow. Tonight will be fine" last thing I wanted was to have church and say goodbye to my parents and have to comfort topper and then finally go out with Jace all in one day.
That would be a nightmare.
"Amazing- great I mean. I'll pick you up later" he smiled before walking off, waving at me as I rushed into the house.

The night came quicker then I wanted but when he turned up he look fairly pleased.
I'd told Topper who I was out with, last thing I need is being kidnapped and being thrown around as leverage.
With the Cameron's you never know.
"Hey- you ready?" He opened my car door letting me get in his car.
"As ready as I'll ever be to hang out with you" I joked before doing my seat belt up.

But as time went on it became different. It was fun.
"You lose! Again" I clap my hands together as I beat him in the arcade game.
"One more game and I'll beat you" Jace smirked a little as he put money in the machine.
"Yeah yeah sure you will" I sucked on my front teeth slightly getting ready for the next game.

After I beat him again. We moved onto bowling, where he seemed to dominate.
"No that's not fair! You didn't tell me you are part of a bowling club" I shake my head playfully as he gets a strike.
"I was. Not now- who do you think I am?" He scoffed sarcastically and I raise a brow "an old man? Who joins a bowling club at 15?!" I couldn't help but laugh.

"Don't diss the bowling king" he held out his arms cockily before I had my turn, yet again not getting any down as it went down the sides.
"Can I at least have the sides up?" I whine in annoyance, I'm not a good loser.
"No cheater" Jace chuckles at my lack of motivation to win fair.

After that He brought me a drink from the bar and then we left.
He dropped me off outside my door, waiting for me to get in before he drove off.
Closing the door I smile to myself. I actually feel normal for once.

Rafe Cameron's POV

I wake up with a raging headache. Looking at the time I'd overslept until the afternoon and as usual my Dad was the one to wake me up.
Pushing me off the bed, shouting about how I'm lazy, useless, that I'm a privileged piece of shit who doesn't deserve what he promised me when Jace left.
I worked for that, I went to meetings, I did the work, without being paid but I didn't care because it was mine and I wanted it.

But it seems Jace is back and it's just handed back to him on a silver platter.
After becoming tired of hearing his complaints all afternoon I finally leave the house.
Walking to figure eight from the beach house wasn't to bad, weren't far at all really. It was relaxing.
Before I could stop my feet or even think straight I end up outside Liv's.
I wanted to do desperately talk to her, just see her.
My Dad had distracted me all afternoon that i hadn't had time to even think about what happened last night.

But standing there outside- it came flooding back.
'I care about you'
She'd said that herself- she helped me into bed for god sake. But then she just runs off.
It's like anytime we seem to get closer, be it kiss, fuck or even talk about something personal she just disappears after.
Like she doesn't want to face it. Well guess what she was going too.
She couldn't keep running from me.
I can't stop thinking about her and she just keeps running away.

Before I can climb up to here window I see car lights pulling into the driveway.
I instantly recognise the car, at first I was going to beat him bloody for Turning up here.
Why was he here? To scare her?
That's when I see her get out the car, laughing with him.
She was wearing jeans and a nice top.

My chest felt like someone had just punched through it. Everything I have he takes. Olivia was the one thing that was mine. Only mine.
Now- she's not.

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