Chapter Six

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Winter returned to the room with an exasperated expression, her eyebrows raised at Riley, who was contentedly chomping on cheese cubes and enjoying the moment.

She watched as he offered it up, her eyes darting between him and the cube cheese in front of her. With a light, but playful toss he sent the cheese cube flying, its trajectory perfectly timed.
Winter opened her mouth, trying to catch it.

The cheese cube landed perfectly in her mouth, making the two friends cheer for something so simple yet so entertaining.

Winter made her way towards Riley's beauty vanity. It was tucked away in the corner, a private oasis of comfort and self-care.
She sat down in front of the mirror, gazing at herself.  Because of the hot shower, her skin was flushed.
Winter loosened the hair from its towel-clad prison and proceeded to pick up the brush, running it gently through her long, damp locks.

Riley sauntered over to where Winter was. He put the plate down in front of her, putting a cheese cube in his mouth before he grabbed a hairdryer. After that, he massaged oil on Winter's scalp.

"How was it at your man's place?" Riley chose to break the silence with a smirk, glancing up with a smirk as the two's eyes connected. "Have u snooped around and gone through his stuff?" The Hawks student gasped. "Don't tell me you've sniffed his underwear."

However, it quickly changed when he noticed the sour expression.

"What happened?" Riley immediately demanded to know. "Did he bully you?" He asked. "Because if he did he just counted his last effing days!"

A smile broke on Winter's face. "It's just.. never mind," the Hawks student chose to say. She didn't want to trouble him more.

That answer resulted in a hair tug from her friend. "Don't shut me out," he said with a frowny pout.

"It's just.. you know my history with dogs.." Winter started, her eyes focusing on Riley's hands while he braided her hair.

"..Go on."

"Well, apparently Dimitri has a big one. Like it was white and huge.. and it tried to attack me."

Riley stilled for a second. "Did it bite you?" He asked concerned.

Winter shook her head in return. "Luckily not, but I think this is the last time I'm going to visit his place. "

Patting her head, Riley took a step backward. "Well thank God, I would hate for your phobia to get worse than it already is," Riley grinned, jumping in his bed.

Winter followed him in the warmth of the bed. It had been a while since she had lied on such a soft bed.

Winter slammed Riley's car door closed. Her brown eyes scanned the campus for a sign of her friends.

The crisp air carried on the gentle breeze, bringing with it a chill that pierced the bodies of the young adults making their way through campus.

Their breath would form a mist as it escaped from their mouths, a sign of the morning cold.
Their footsteps clacked against the stone and concrete streets, the sound echoing through the small area.
Their coats were zipped up to their chins, hats on their head or hoods pulled over their faces, gloves clasped tightly in their hands and a mug of coffee or tea kept close.

"They're probably inside," Riley noted, he too was looking for any sight of them.
The Hawks student himself wore a cozy sweater that was from some high-end fashion brand, layered over a grey crisp, collared shirt.
His dark grey trousers were paired with expensive sneakers to add a touch of elegance.
A warm green scarf to keep the chill away, especially with the way his curls were perfectly styled and framed by the scarf so they look even more luscious. To top the look off, he carried a designer bag from one of the world's biggest fashion houses.

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