Nezu... a dangerous play for sure!

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I did bring over some snacks and drinks for the support course but also left that day since they kinda shooed me out. Something about they actualy want to build what I had brough and that I should go out and they say they wanted not to be rude and I should just go before I would see the magic behind everything. Well it was their turf anyways, so I was not about to intrude or say something against it at all. Instead I decided to go look for what the others were doing. I mean, my class was supposed to start training....keyword here.... was supposed too!

When I got back to class 1A some were actually not there and some were laying around being all lazy. Honestly I didn't know what to say about this at this point. I knew that the game would be boring if I wouldn't step in at all plus the dispair in their eyes would also kinda be nice.... my mind was all over the place... I wanted to just observe and I also wanted to go help out the heroes just because I could. Not that the look in their eyes wouldn't just be great? I would love to see them realize that they were doomed because I knew everything about their team, from strategy to their teamwork to their plans and even how they would act since I was simply put there training with them.

Oh that was really a good idea but the thing was..... was I allowed to do that?

Seeing as I was still in the UA main building and a bit clueless about what to do, I decided to go to Nezu's office and just knock on the door.

Nezu: Please com in.

I did... otherwise I wouldn't have knocked or decided to come here. However, there was one thing I had to check before I went in. The whole time while I was walking over to Nezu's office, I was actually on the lookout to see if someone has noticed me coming over and if I was being followed. Of course I was being sneaky and if someone would see me, they would say I was being a bit too obvious about it right now. I mean I was literally looking left and then right before actually entering the door. Alright, I had to admit, I could have acted less suspicious but oh well, it happened and it was not as if I could change anything about it.

Anyways, I got into the room and I swear I could see sparkles in Nezu's eyes when he saw me enter the room. This rat simply jumped down from where he was and then started walking over to the couches. He hopped on and patted the place right next to him and he did everything so naturally and didn't even say a word. It was as if he knew why I was there and if he was waiting for me to enter. I would at this point even compare this rat to a child who couldn't wait at all to unwrap his pressent or actually just being giggly and all happy.

Why does he look this way?

Was it wrong coming in here?

Should I have actually send an email?

.... I am kinda regretting this now...

All the pressure... what if I won't his expetations?

What if...STOP! 

I just came here to ask questions!

How the damn Mickey Knockoff looks like is none of my business!

Seeing as I was simply just standing there and not talking at all, Nezu finally decided to break this awkward silence.

Nezu: How can I help you Midoriya?

Me: I .... I have some questions about this excercise.

Nezu: Then come, please sit down. I assume this will be more than just one question.

Kinda wrong thinking that since I came here with one question in mind and I was already around the corner. Soo I was being a bit lazy and didn't really see a reason not to come over. I mean this rat was right around the corner and writing an email would be actually a roundabout way. Plus I would leave with some knowledge and I was sure that if I had written a mail, I would have actually done that if I didn't already plan to do something else in the evening. This evening I wanted to take out another notebook or a paper and start writing things down from what I could remember about my class as well as getting them to be... well a lot more detailed before burning said paper away and feeling a lot better seeing it burn.

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