Chapter 21

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Dante's pov:

It's new year's eve which means it is the one of the busiest nights on our casinos and especially on our main casino Golden Rose. Of course I have to be there to supervise how things are going and make sure nothing happens tonight. On this night, customers tend to get more drunk than usual which makes them do stupid things and get themselves into unnecessary fights that lead to problems.

I prepare myself. I wear a black Tom Ford suit. I ditch the tie since I don't have an official meeting and I wear my rolex. As I open the front door to get out of the house I am stopped by Anastasia's voice.

"Wait !" She shouts from behind.

I turn around only to see a very sexy woman standing in front of me. I look in her outfit up and down. She is dressed in a black dress that hugged her body like a second skin. It is short, very short since it barely coveres her tights. The dress litterally screams fuck me. She is wearing with it black high heels, higher than the ones she usually wears. She put on her usual red lipstick that drives me all shades of madness.

Saying she looks beautiful is so underestimating to her beauty. She is so gorgeous. For a moment I fight wether I should stay here to watch her move around the house in this outfit rather than to spend it drinking with Nevio.

« What do you want ? » I ask. « Make it quick. I have to leave.»

« Are you heading to Golden Rose ? »

« Yes. Why ? »

« Fantastica ! I will ride with you. I can't drive in those extra high heels. » She says pointing at the shoes she is wearing.

«No» There is no way she is getting out if here in that outfit.

«What do you mean by no ? I already told Antoinette I will meet her there. I am on my twenties not my eighties. So I am not intending to spend new year alone here.»

«I am not taking you with me.»

« No problem. Then I will wear snickers and I will drive my car. When I get there I will change into my high heels.»

She is so stubborn. She is going wether I like it it not. If I don't take her with me, she will find a way to get there.

She crosses her hands over her chest and clicks her heels over the ground.

I sight deeply and I say: «Come in let's go. »

She can do whatever the hell she wants tonight if she leaves me alone. I don't care. Even if every man will be checking her out ? Well fuck.

She opens the door of car and when she sits in the passenger's seat, she flinches. It obvious that is still hurting. It needs at least one month for her injury to heal. It may take a little longer if she doesn't rest, as I told her. I know she is not the kind of woman who stays all days in bed. If it was any other woman in her shoes, she wouldn't probably leave the bed for a month. Yet here she is going out to party after just one week. God Anastasia is different from all the other woman is so many ways.

I've seen many injured persons before, with even worst injuries than hers. I would lie if I say that I didn't feel an ache in my chest I experience for the first time. I knew I despised her nevertheless in that moment all I knew is that I needed to help.

We spend the whole ride in silence. When we almost reach our destination, Anastasia checks her makeup in the mirror and fixes her lipstick. She is in a good mood. It is the first time I see her like this.

Once, we get there the valets open both of our doors. I button my suit and I join her at the other side of the car. I put my hand over her waist.

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