Chapter 8

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(Song: Video game, Lana del rey)
Dante's pov:

It has been three weeks since the engagement party, three weeks since I last talked to her. My sister on the other hand has spent hours talking to her over the phone. Both of them seems to get along so much. They hit it off the minute they met. In such a short period, they developed a strong bond. Anastasia even asked my sister to be her bridesmaid since she doesn't have any other girl friend. My sister was so thrilled when she heard of the offer. Of course, she accepted without hesitation.

Pretty sure they will be a torture for the rest of my life. Not to mention Novio who is my main annoyer. He is now standing right next to me in the end of isle at the venue where is held the wedding. I told him to wear a fucking black suit to meet my dark blue suit but he ignored me and went for a beige one. Facing him at the other side of the isle is my Antoinette. She looks as beautiful as ever in her light pink dress. Her hair lifted up in a ponytail and having in her hands a bouquet of flowers. Novio compliments her in Italian and she blushes. I have been assuming that there is something going on between the two of them for quiet some time now. Actually, I would be happy for them. I would never trust my sister with anyone better than Nevio. I know that she will be safe and sound with him. From the way he looks at her, like she is the most beautiful woman that he has ever seen, I am sure that he will treat her right and make her happy. I will pull him apart later and ask him about his relationship status with my sister.

I scan the area. All the guests have already showed up and are waiting for the ceremony to begin. Half of the seats are occupied by the spanish mob family. They flew all the way here from Spanish to assist at the ceremonies. The other half of the seats are occupied by members of my family. Apart from my uncles and my cousins, I don't recognise the other attendees. I didn't even know they existed before today. Antoinette took care of the invitations as I didn't give a shit of them. They are present here just for public eye.

I notice that many of the guest are admiring the exceptional architecture of venu. The venu dates to the eighteenth century. It is located in the centre of Sicilly. For over than one hundred years all the Russo's weddings have been held here. And, of course, I followed the steps of my insectors and honored our tradition.

Few minutes later, music fills the atmosphere. The ceremony begins announcing the arrival of the bride. Sooner Anastasia comes to sight accompanied by her father and she starts walking down the aisle.

Fucking hell. To say she looked amazing in that white bridal dress was an understatement. She is breathtaking. She looks like a goddess. I knew by now that red is her colour, but she looks so gorgeous in white that it is impossible for me to take my eyes off her. Her brown hair is left down, cascading over her shoulders, covered by a veil that reaches the floor.

They approach me little by little. With each step they make, I can see her face features more clearly. She is wearing a pink lipstick. For a moment, I wonder what it would feel like if I ruin it.

The exceptional red stone of her ring flushes under the lights of venue, making it visible from metres away. She holds in her hand a bouquet of light rose flowers identical to the ones on Antoinette's bouquet.

Once they reaches me, Antonio hands her over to me. Suddenly, her perfume fills all the air around us. I inhale deeply filling my lungs with her scent.

Holding each others hands, we face each other.

The officiant says: " Dear friends and family, we are gathered here today to witness and celebrate the union of Anastasia Perez and Dante Russo. Both of them are ready to spend the rest of their lives together as husband and wife."

He looks at Anastasia and he says:"Anastasia Perez, do you take Dante Russo to be your legal wedded husband, to have and to hold from this day forward?" She says :"I do."
Then, he adresses the same words to me:"Dante Russo do you take Anastasia to be your legal wedded wife, to have and to hold from this day forward?"
I say:"I do."

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