Chapter Thirty One•Friend of a Friend

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"So, how's LA?" Dave asked causally, as if no time had passed since their last meeting.

"Oh, I love it. That's how I met Taylor."

"Where did he end up tonight?" Dave began
scanning the room for his friend at the mention of his name, realizing he had no idea where he was.

"Went back to his room with some chick."

Dave's first instinct was to laugh, but then he couldn't get a read on Eliza's thoughts on the situation.

"So, you guys really aren't like that?" He inquired

"We were at the beginning, but our relationship isn't like that. He's more like a brother to me than anything. I love him to death."

"Interesting." Dave sighed. He couldn't imagine Taylor being "just friends" with a girl as pretty as Eliza.

"Bars closed." The bartender said as he began to wipe the countertop. Eliza and Dave jumped up, startled by his abruptness. Dave glanced down at his watch and noticed that it was now three thirty in the morning.

"Yeah, it's getting late. Let's get out of here." Dave said, taking Eliza's hand and helped her off the barstool.

"Where do you wanna go?" Dave asked while
holding open the door of the bar for Eliza.

"Do you just want to go somewhere and talk?" She said. Eliza was drunk and tired, yet she knew that she would never forgive herself if she didn't spend this time with Dave.

"Sounds perfect to me. I know just the place." Dave began to lead her down the side of the street through the town.

As she was walking, her feet began to hurt, so she bent over and peeled off her high heels.

"You're just gonna go barefoot?" Dave laughed as she picked up her shoes and held them by their straps.

"That's what it looks like, doesn't it?"

"Alright then. I guess you were never one for heels anyways."

Dave led Eliza to a seemingly run down building that was a couple blocks down the road. The red brick was crumbling off its sides and windows were broken. Vines were growing up its side and the grass hadn't been cut in ages.

"Are you taking me here to kill me?" Eliza asked, trying to mask her true confusion as Dave walked around the back of the house. He was acting very familiar with the place, so Eliza trusted that he knew what he was doing.

He walked around to a winding staircase and began to climb it. Eliza was nervous, checking the stairs before she put her full weight on it for fear of them falling out from under her. The wooden stairs were creaking and cracked, so her nerves weren't totally unwarranted.

After the steep climb, they finally reached the roof. Sitting on top was a couple lawn chairs and a small table between them.

"I used to come up here back when I was touring with Scream. When everything was just too much, I knew this place would be quiet. Now every time one of my bands comes through this town I come up and visit." Dave said while taking a seat in one of the chairs.

"That's really sweet Dave." Eliza said while taking the seat next to him.

"Look." Dave said, pointing to the sky.

Eliza looked up, and was amazed. Millions of stars hung in the sky, and they shone so bright Eliza thought that she might need sunglasses.

"Wow, this is incredible! I guess I don't see stars like this in LA anymore."

"I bet. This always reminds me of home."

"Yeah, I guess you're right. We always had the best view outside our house."

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