Chapter Twenty•Another Round

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"Well, that's a deep pile of shit you're in." Abby responded to Eliza. They were both sitting cross legged on Eliza's bed, and she was debriefing the night to Abby.

"I know. I have no idea what to do."

"Once a cheater, always a cheater." Abby said, shrugging.

"It's just, I still can't believe he did it in the first place. Maybe there's a side to him that I've been missing this whole time."

"And what are you going to do about Mason?" Abby asked.

"I'm going to just come clean with him. What I did was absolutely horrible and I regret it. I know how it feels to be lied to about cheating. I won't put him through that."

"Do you regret sleeping with Dave, or cheating on Mason?"

Eliza just gave Abby a look that said all the words that she didn't want to say.

"What are you going to say? Yeah, I cheated on you with the drummer of Nirvana. Sorry pal."

"I mean, what else? I'm going to come completely clean on my history with him and everything else. Mason's a good guy, he deserves the truth."

"Have fun with that." Abby let out nervous laughter, still having a hard time believing the situation that her friend was in. "What are you going to do about Dave?"

"I don't know." Eliza whispered, feeling a deep sense of stress arise in her head. Her heart was telling her to forgive and forget, but her brain thought otherwise.

"I'm just going to focus on Mason today. I can only do one thing at once." Eliza said, hastily, as she jumped off her bed and made her way to the phone. She dialed Mason's number and once he answered, she told him to meet her at their favorite cafe in thirty minutes.

Eliza spent the next half an hour cleaning herself up enough to not look perfected but also not as disheveled as she was. Once it was time for her to leave, she got a hug of reassurance from Abby and made her way over to the cafe.

"Hey babe, what's up?" Mason asked, who was already sitting at a table that he got for the two of them.

"Mason, we need to talk." Eliza said, taking a seat at the table.

"Yeah?" He said, the concern rising in his voice.

"I need to tell you some things."

"Hit me."

"You know my ex who cheated on me?"


"Well, he's kind of, famous." Eliza said, slowly, still shocked that she was saying those words.

"Who is he?"

"Mason, there's not a good way to say this. He's Dave Grohl."

Eliza watched as all of the color drained from Mason's face.

"Dave Grohl? Like the drummer of Nirvana, Dave Grohl?"

"Yeah." Eliza looked down at her feet, knowing that the next part of the conversation was about to go a whole lot worse. "I hadn't seen him since the break up until last night."

Mason just sat there, studying her face, trying to get a read on where she was going with this.

"He called me after the show, and one thing led to another, and I went to his hotel room."

Mason looked up at her to try and tell if she was saying what he thought she was. The sadness in her eyes gave it away.

"You don't have to say anything else." Mason said, putting his hand up. "I get it. I'll leave you and your rock star ex alone."

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