Episode 14 : The Story Of Christopher Scarver

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Hi everyone. It's your Detective Noel bringing you another Crime Story and
this one is so fascinating to me, that it's actually in my Top 10 Favourite Crime Stories list! It is non other than the notorious Christopher Scarver. The man who killed the infamous Jeffrey Dahmer. He captures the interest of everyone who knows about him. Credit to Wikipedia, the YouTuber Horror Stories for the information. How could he have killed one of the most famous Serial Killers of all time? Join me as we take a look into the Story of Christopher Scarver. The man who killed Jeffrey Dahmer.

Christopher Scarver is an American murderer who's famous for the murder of the famous Serial Killer Jeffrey Dahmer and murderer Jesse Anderson. This is the Story of Christopher Scarver.

Christopher Scarver was born on July 6th 1969 in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. He was the second of five children and he attended James Madison High School. At first, Scarver seemed to have a normal life, but he struggled heavily with school work no matter how hard he tried, and he was way more interested in high school parties and dating. To make matters worse, he became addicted to alcohol and marijuana and his parents kicked him out of their house as a result and he dropped out of High School during his junior year and he was forced to live with his girlfriend.

Despite dropping out of High School and getting kicked out of his own house, Scarver was hired as a trainee carpenter at the Wisconsin Conservation Corps job program. However, Scarver claimed that he faced racial discrimination from other employers. But he had a supervisor who was a good friend to him named Edward Patts. Patts respected and appreciated Scarver and promised him he would obtain a full time position at his job when he finished his part time program.

Things were looking really good for Scarver because not only did he have a really good friend offering him a full time job, but his girlfriend became pregnant and he needed a full time job more than ever to support his family. Unfortunately, Patts was dismissed from his supervising position and Scarver never received his full time job.

The man responsible for Patts' dismissal was the manager of the Wisconsin Conservation Corps Training Program, 27 year old Steve Lohman, who Scarver was severely angry at and his alcohol addiction got even worse after his full time job offer was rejected.

To make matters worse, Scarver started hearing voices in his head calling him the "chosen one". Eventually, he was diagnosed with schizophrenia, which caused his messianic delusions.

It didn't look like things could get any worse for Scarver, but just as it seemed like he hit rock bottom in his life, he had a terrifying plan that no one was expecting...

On June 1st 1990, Christopher Scarver walked into the Wisconsin Conservation Corps Training Program's office wielding a gun. He approached Steve Lohmann and one of his employers named John Feyen.

Scarver told the men how angry he was at them and forced Lohman to the ground at gunpoint and ordered Feyen to give him money. Scared out of his mind, Feyen gave Scarver $15, but it was not enough money for the enraged lunatic.

Feeling more angry than ever, Scarver shot Lohman in the head, killing him instantly. Scarver than said to Feyen : "Now do you think I'm kidding!? I need more money!" Afterwards, he shot Lohman in the head two more times. The most terrified he ever was in his life, Feyen gave Scarver a $3,000 check and ran outside to his car. Scarver attempted to shoot Feyen, but he thankfully missed him and Feyen got away.

After receiving his $3,000 check, he returned to his house, but there wasn't much he could do with the money because the Police immediately drove to his house and arrested him and he was charged with robbery and first degree murder. During his trial in 1992, Scarver and his attorneys claimed he was legally insane due to his Schizophrenia and messianic delusions, but he was found to be legally sane and he knew what he was doing and he knew it was wrong. Scarver was sentenced to life in prison without the possibility of parole at the Columbia Correctional Institute in Portage, Wisconsin.

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