6) Stubborn

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Your P.O.V

Despite there being so much on my mind I remembered directly before lights out what part of this job entailed. While it was supposed to be a quick bandage change I quickly discovered just how stubborn Gally can be.

"Take off your shirt before I cut it off of you,"I threatened.

"Absolutely not,"He repeated.

"I did not spend my time saving your life so that you could die from something stupid. Now let me change your bandage so that I didn't waste my breath on you."

"I am not going to die,"He scowled.

"Where'd you get your skills and knowledge of the human body? I'd love to know so that I could compare the literal life saving surgeries I have given,"I deadpanned.

"I'm not taking my shirt off,"He huffed.

"If you're worried I'll think that you're the most attractive guy to walk the Earth then you're an idiot. I'm not going to swoon. Now take off the damn shirt,"I demanded.

"I am not-"
"Let me change your bandages. For fucks sake, you were impaled. That's not exactly a light injury. Now let me change the damn bandage so that I didn't waste either of our time,"I demanded.

"Fine,"He reluctantly gave in, making a clear face of annoyance as he sat on the medical table. I grabbed my supplies that would insure this stubborn motherfucker didn't die.

"Hold completely still,"I ordered, finding where it had originally been wrapped. I went to cut it off when he immediately started debating me again.

"Look. I cut your shirt off, and last time I checked you didn't get hurt. I know what I'm doing so accept my help, because you're not going to get much of it. If I can do this for people I hate and not hurt them how cautious do you think I'll be for someone that I . . . don't?"I trailed off.

"Probably a good bit,"He mumbled.

"That's right. Now hold still,"I repeated. He finally did so without trying to fight me. Now that it was safe I took my scissors and cut the gauze before unwrapping it from his chest.

As I pulled it off I noticed the scars that would form. From the looks of them even if they faded overtime they would be there forever. I wonder what sort of bastard would do this. I wonder why. I wonder if they would mourn what was supposed to be their friend.

If I had friends could I be able to do this? Kill them? Especially, if I saw that they weren't in the right mind?

I also knew that it was an attempt to kill because of how close it was to the heart. He's lucky in that sense. As for the hell he's been through, that's debatable.

"You ever had scars before?"I asked. As if on instinct he immediately looked at his hands. I followed his gaze to see a few running along his hands, with a good amount being on his knuckles. I knew what would cause this. The sort of rage that can't be fought. At some point after bottling everything up, the fact that we're human happens. That's when without even trying it all comes out in some way.

"I'm sorry for whatever you went through,"I stated before unwrapping the new gauze.

"Why? You didn't do anything,"He pointed out.

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